Mark Hitchcock | because what's coming matters
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About Dr. Hitchcock | Mark Hitchcock
Mark Hitchcock was born and raised in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma. He attended Oklahoma State University and graduated from law school in 1984. After working for a judge at the Oklahoma Court of Criminal Appeals for four years, Mark was led to attend Dallas Theological Seminary, graduating in 1991.
Books | Mark Hitchcock
In Russia Rising, Mark Hitchcock, popular speaker and Bible prophecy expert, explores the history of Russia and its current military moves. He will explain the biblical prophecies related to Russia, the Middle East, and the end times.
“The End” is Here! | Mark Hitchcock
I’m very excited to announce the publication of my newest book, The End: A Comprehensive Overview of Bible Prophecy and the End of Days (Tyndale, 2012).Here’s the preface to the book. It expresses my purpose in writing it. “In 1958, Dr. J. Dwight Pentecost published his doctrinal dissertation from Dallas Theological Seminary in a monumental book titled Things to Come.
mark-of-the-beast | Mark Hitchcock
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Presenters - Mark Hitchcock
Mark has served as our Pastor since October 1991. He is the author of over thirty books on Bible prophecy and related topics. Mark and his wife, Cheryl, have two sons, Justin, married to Natalee and Samuel, married to Ellen.
Podcast - Mark Hitchcock
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Visits to Heaven and Back: Are They Real? | Mark Hitchcock
In this book, Mark Hitchcock sorts out the facts. He chronicles the recent phenomenon of “heaven” books, comparing and contrasting the ideas presented in these books and revealing the discrepancies and contradictions.
The Coming Apostasy - Mark Hitchcock
Bible teachers call that “the great apostasy.” Are we seeing evidence today in the church of this massive rejection of sound and wholesome teaching? Bestselling authors Mark Hitchcock and Jeff Kinley team up to examine the evidence from the teachers of our time.
Episode 59: The Rapture | Mark Hitchcock
In this episode Dr. Hitchcock answers your questions relating to the rapture. Will we have enough time to realize what is happening during the rapture? What will happen to children born during the Tribulation?