Silver Nitrate-HCPC | Medical Billing and Coding Forum - AAPC
2008年10月27日 · My surgeons use Silver nitrate and I'm trying to determine which HCPC code to use. We are currently using 99070, but are wondering if the J3490 for unclassified drugs would …
Wiki Is there a CPT code for silver nitrate stick? - AAPC
17250=The physician uses chemical cauterization to destroy granulation tissue such as excess scar tissue, also referred to as proud flesh, or a sinus or fistula. Liquid silver nitrate applied …
Silver Nitrate Sticks | Medical Billing and Coding Forum - AAPC
2017年5月15日 · Silver nitrate is a chemical reaction. I could not find anything in the cervix section that would apply here. My personal opinion is that if it was a quick 30 second procedure, I …
Wiki - 30901 question | Medical Billing and Coding Forum - AAPC
2024年12月23日 · The provider identifies the source/site of the (intermittent) bleeding problem and performs chemical cautery. ("After applying topical 4% lidocaine/afrin silver nitrate was …
Cauterizing skin tear | Medical Billing and Coding Forum - AAPC
2010年8月18日 · 17250 is for Chemical cauterization (i.e. silver nitrate) of granulation tissue or "proud flesh" - exuberant or excessive healing tissue. It would not be appropriate for …
Wiki - Silver Nitrate | Medical Billing and Coding Forum - AAPC
2015年1月29日 · Would anyone know if silver nitrate is considered a chemical cauterization (CPT code 17250)? I have a patient who has a non-healing wound and the patient is no longer in …
Cleaning Silver Nitrate Finish - Shotgun Forum
2014年9月4日 · I have several of the silver SKB's, and use 0000 steel wool with mineral turps. The turps will help soften and remove what is most likely oil and grease, finish up with some …
Wiki excision of granulation tissue - AAPC
2021年4月7日 · patient presents s/p silver nitrate application for excision of vaginal granulation tissue. was excised with scissors. excision site was hemostatic with silver nitrate . what CPT …
Chemical cauterization | Medical Billing and Coding Forum - AAPC
2020年10月21日 · Without knowing what that other thread was where I mention "silver nitrate is dabbed", I will make an educated guess. In gyn, silver nitrate is often applied to stop some …
Wiki silver nitrate applied to cervical canal - AAPC
2008年12月16日 · I have a visit where patient is post op (over 90 days) hysterctomy and is having vaginal bleeding. Physician applies silver nitrate to the cervical canal. He doesn't mention how …