Diesel fuel additive | Ford Powerstroke Diesel Forum
2023年9月3日 · As a Ford diesel tech, I am happy to hear that a customer is regularly using a good fuel additive. There are three things you want in an additive: cetane boost, lubricity enhancer and a water demulsifier that will separate the dispersed water in the fuel allowing the water separator to collect it. DO NOT use alcohol-based EMULSIFIERS.
Fuel additives | Ford Powerstroke Diesel Forum
2021年11月17日 · Regarding the anti-gel; fuel suppliers usually treat to the average low temp. That doesn’t always work. Especially if you travel. I posted pics around here somewhere from BP diesel out of the pump and BP diesel with Amsoil additive. Left the fuel in mason jars overnight. The untreated fuel was cloudy when I woke up. Treated fuel was clear.
6.4 fuel additive questions | Ford Powerstroke Diesel Forum
2010年4月20日 · Gas, oil and Diesel fuel additive (NOT ULSD compliant, may damage 2007 and newer systems) HFRR 678, 42 microns worse than baseline fuel. 320:1 ratio 10.4 oz/tank $3.22/tank 18)ValvTect Diesel Guard Heavy Duty/Marine Diesel Fuel Additive Multi-purpose Cetane improver, emulsifier, alcohol free HFRR 696, 60 microns worse than baseline fuel …
Best Diesel Fuel additive? - Ford Powerstroke Diesel Forum
2008年4月24日 · Gas, oil and Diesel fuel additive (NOT ULSD compliant, may damage 2007 and newer systems) HFRR 678, 42 microns worse than baseline fuel. 320:1 ratio 10.4 oz/tank $3.22/tank 18)ValvTect Diesel Guard Heavy Duty/Marine Diesel Fuel Additive Multi-purpose Cetane improver, emulsifier, alcohol free HFRR 696, 60 microns worse than baseline fuel …
7.3L Fuel additives do's and dont's...help please
2010年6月5日 · Gas, oil and Diesel fuel additive (NOT ULSD compliant, may damage 2007 and newer systems) HFRR 678, 42 microns worse than baseline fuel. 320:1 ratio 10.4 oz/tank $3.22/tank 18)ValvTect Diesel Guard Heavy Duty/Marine Diesel Fuel Additive Multi-purpose Cetane improver, emulsifier, alcohol free HFRR 696, 60 microns worse than baseline fuel …
Diesel Fuel additives | OrangeTractorTalks - Everything Kubota
2014年7月9日 · This is akin to filling the OEM filter bowl when a new paper element filter is installed. Even on old greens and whites I've not had to bleed air when changing a fuel filter if I'm careful and keep everything well wetted along with minimal air intrusion. Even on canister-type fuel filters, just like oil filters, load the filter before installing.
Diesel fuel additives for 7.3 | Ford Powerstroke Diesel Forum
2012年2月29日 · The two-cycle oil runs about $20-25 per gallon, but from everything I've read, you gotta use 1 oz / gallon of fuel, so it adds up. It's more for lubricity, to make up for the reduced lubricity of the ULSD fuel, whereas the other stuff is for cetane boost and anti-gel.
Diesel fuel additive | OrangeTractorTalks - Everything Kubota
2023年1月21日 · Best advice is to buy clean fuel and keep it clean. Out here on the farm I use some power service and number one in my skid steer in the winter. I don't add any additive to my bulk tanks or any of my other diesels. All fuel is filtered as it is pumped into my equipment. Every thing goes in the shed when its season is over full of fuel.
Best fuel additive?? - Ford Powerstroke Diesel Forum
2009年12月14日 · BG Diesel Fuel Conditioner with DPL also cleans the entire fuel system, reduces exhaust emissions, improves mileage, protects against rust and corrosion and stabilizes fuel in storage. Catalytic converter and oxygen sensor safe. One 6 oz. (177 mL) bottle treats 110–125 gallons (420–470 Liters) of diesel fuel. This diesel fuel additive ...
Which diesel fuel treatment? | OrangeTractorTalks - Everything …
2016年12月2日 · I buy my diesel 5 gallons at a time from a local Citgo station. I'm not sure what kind of winter blending they might do, but I was thinking I would treat each 5 gallons with Power Service Diesel Fuel Supplement +Cetane Boost, the cold weather product from the Diesel Kleen company. It seems to get good reviews, is readily available in relatively ...