Hyundai Kona Electric - Inside EVS Forum
2019年10月7日 · Join the Hyundai Kona Electric discussion to chat with electric vehicle owners and enthusiasts around the globe.
Tires for My Kona Electric - Inside EVS Forum
2021年5月20日 · Discussion in 'Hyundai Kona Electric' started by Lars, May 20, 2021. May 20, 2021 #1. Lars Well-Known Member.
Look Inside Kona Electric Battery And See Real Capacity
2021年3月8日 · I just opened a kona battery - it consists of 98 modules 180Ah (every module = 3x 60Ah cell LGY E63B - 3.63V nominal and 218Wh). [ATTACH][ATTACH]...
2019 Kona EV Motor Noise Issue - Inside EVS Forum
2021年9月24日 · Here's an example from the UK. My Kona Electric was delivered in March 2019, so similar vintage. I too heard the dreaded clicking/pattering noise about 6 months into ownership. I knew what it was, having read about the problem on a Kona forum. It was very brief and disappeared. It resurfaced about a year later and continued to happen ...
Kona 2024 and V2L - Inside EVS Forum
2024年6月6日 · Discussion in 'Hyundai Kona Electric' started by cgloewen, Jun 6, 2024. Tags: 2024 kona electric; v2l;
Tesla Magic Dock and Kona Electric | Inside EVS Forum
2023年3月28日 · Took our new used 2020 Hyundai Kona Electric Ultimate there, and it worked fantastically using the Tesla app. The adapter is very cleverly integrated into the Tesla charging station and simply gets unlocked using the app. Pulling on the handle brings out the Tesla handle plus the adapter. Not using the app, the Tesla handle alone comes out ...
2024 Hyundai Kona Electric High Pitched Noise after shut down
2023年12月17日 · I realize that it's a bit early for posting issues, but this happens every time that I'm parked in my garage and shut off my new 2024 Hyundai Kona Electric Ultimate. After about a minute, this high pitched sound emits from where I think is under the trunk. Today I popped open the trunk, but I couldn't locate the source.
Dead Kona EV! - Inside EVS Forum
2019年9月28日 · Not sure if Hyundai makes the 12 Volt battery.. if it is the 12 Volt battery, it's not a big deal.. I once had a US$55k Corvette and after 200 miles the battery went dead.. Luckily, the car was a 6-speed and I had someone push me to start. Drove directly to the closest Chevy dealer for a new battery. I have 9k miles on my Kona with no issues..
OBD2 scanner for EV recommendations? | Inside EVS Forum
2021年3月9日 · Outside of the dealer level Hyundai GDS programmer I am not aware of any OBD2 scanner that plays nice with the Kona EV. I have a pretty decent Autel 629 maxilink scanner that is able access most modules on any modern ICE vehicle, the best it can do with the Kona is pick up two undescribed modules, it can't even identify the VIN which is a ...
Checking main battery health? - Inside EVS Forum
2023年5月22日 · Kona Ultimate 64kwh 2021 purchased 2.5 months ago, was a demo vehicle (plus manager used it) 16000 miles on the clock. Just bought an obd scanner and using car scanner I see the BMS state of health is reading 95.6% 6688.3 kwh charged of which 3231.0 is Rapid charging and 1805 is normal charging. Good or bad?