Direct vs. Indirect Costs • Direct Cost = Expenditures incurred solely and specifically for a street or road purpose or project. Should be charged to a specific cost or object code. Examples include payments for services, salary costs of employees directly participating in street and road projects, etc. • Indirect/Overhead Costs
FINANCIAL HIGHLIGHTS FOR FISCAL YEAR 2023 . The OCTA remains fiscally responsible, ensuring financial sustainability and transparency in all our operations. Despite the challenges, OCTA ended the fiscal year 2023 with a strong financial position, compared to the end of fiscal year 2022. Net position . 13 %
transit programs (Projects S, T, V and W), and the Environmental Cleanup Program (Project X). Each program has a specific focus and evaluation criteria as outlined in the guidelines. OCTA shall distribute Local Fair Share Program (Project Q) funds on a formula basis to eligible local agencies. The program receives 18 percent of Net Revenues.
the State of California or the United States Government including, but not limited to, Presidential Executive Order Nos. 13660, 13661, 13662, 13685, and 14065. Any individual or entity that is the subject of any Ukraine/Russia-related economic sanction is not eligible to submit a Proposal.
Orange County Transportation Authority 550 South Main Street / P.O. Box 14184 / Orange / California 92863-1584 / (714) 560-OCTA (6282) September 23, 2013
2020年4月13日 · The funding comes from Project V, a competitive program under Measure M, Orange County’s half-cent sales tax for transportation improvements. The goal of the program is for cities to develop and implement transit services that complement regional bus and rail services and better suit local needs in areas not adequately served by regional transit.
(714) 558-5200, 820238# (1) English (United States) (714) 560-5666, 820238# (1) English (United States) Conference ID: 820238 . Callers are requested to dial in and mute the call. For those who can access via a web browser, Authority will share its desktop and display the pre-proposal presentation online. For those who join by ...
V. Roads & Highways Page 6 VI. Rail Programs Page 7 VII. Administration/General Page 8 VIII. Environmental oliciesP Page 8 IX. Employment Issues Page 8 X. Transportation Security Page 9 ORANGE COUNTY TRANSPORTATION AUTHORITY 2012 STATE LEGISLATIVE PLATFORM. ORANGE COUNTY TRANSPORTATION AUTHORITY 1 ...
The Challenge Need for Top Performers Increased Competition Aging Workforce 2
invitation for bids (ifb) 3-2883 lenovo desktop computers orange county transportation authority 550 south main street p.o. box 14184 orange, ca 92863-1584