- The theory of genic balance given by Calvin Bridges (1926) states that instead of XY chromosomes, sex is determined by the genic balance or ratio between X-chromosomes and autosome genomes.了解详细信息:The theory of genic balance given by Calvin Bridges (1926) states that instead of XY chromosomes, sex is determined by the genic balance or ratio between X-chromosomes and autosome genomes.www.toppr.com/ask/question/describe-the-genetic-…The gene balance hypothesis states that the stoichiometry of members of multisubunit complexes affects the function of the whole because of the kinetics and mode of assembly.nph.onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1111/j.1469-813…
The gene balance hypothesis: implications for gene regulation ...
2010年3月3日 · The concept of gene balance raises several questions with regard to genetic variation and how it affects evolutionary processes that deserve investigation in this context. In this review, we propose integration of the phenotypic data with gene regulatory mechanisms …
- 作者: James A. Birchler, Reiner A. Veitia, Reiner A. Veitia
- Cited By: 213
- Publish Year: 2010
- 已发布: 03 March 2010
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The idea of balance has a long history in classical genetics on the phenotypic …
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The Gene Balance Hypothesis: implications for gene regulation ...
The Gene Balance Hypothesis suggests that quantitative traits will be controlled by a large number of genes that can contribute variation. This variation is constrained due to the …
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Gene Balance Hypothesis: From Classical Genetics to Modern …
- As this work continued, trisomics were found for all of the possible 12 chromosomes of Datura, but additional forms continued to arise, each with different characteristics. Some of these new forms accentuated a portion of the phenotypic characteristics of the original set of primary trisomics but were missing other changes from the normal diploid. ...
- 作者: James A. Birchler, Reiner A. Veitia
- 发布日期: 2007年3月26日
- Publish Year: 2007
2.8: Gene Balance - Biology LibreTexts
2023年6月20日 · The answer probably differs in each case, but is probably related to the concept of gene balance, which can be summarized as follows: genes, and the proteins they produce, …
(PDF) The Gene Balance Hypothesis: From Classical
2007年3月1日 · The concept of genetic balance traces back to the early days of genetics. Additions or subtractions of single chromosomes to the karyotype …
- 预计阅读时间:6 分钟
Gene balance hypothesis: Connecting issues of dosage sensitivity …
We summarize, in this review, the evidence that genomic balance influences gene expression, quantitative traits, dosage compensation, aneuploid syndromes, population dynamics of copy …
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The gene balance hypothesis: from classical genetics to modern
The gene balance hypothesis: from classical genetics to modern genomics. The gene balance hypothesis: from classical genetics to modern genomics Plant Cell. 2007 Feb;19(2):395-402. …
The gene balance hypothesis: implications for gene regulation ...
The gene balance hypothesis states that the stoichiometry of members of multisubunit complexes affects the function of the whole because of the kinetics and mode of assembly. Gene …
The Gene Balance Hypothesis: From Classical Genetics to Modern …
The Brassicaceae (Cruciferae) family, owing to its remarkable species, genetic, and physiological diversity as well as its significant economic potential, has become a model for polyploidy and …
The gene balance hypothesis: implications for gene regulation ...
2010年4月1日 · The gene balance hypothesis is reviewed with regard to the effects on the genetics of quantitative traits, the fate of duplication of genes following polyploidization events …