15 Prisoners Reveal Their Scariest Memories From Prison - Ranker
2021年5月26日 · If you’ve never heard prison stories from the inside, prepare yourself to be inundated with cruelty and gore. These former inmates share their scary stories from prison – the true stories from the joint that still keep them up at night.
No Protection: A Prisoner's True Story - TheBody
2002年12月1日 · With the onset of the television program "Oz" (which I've never viewed), there's a newer consciousness of the jail experience: extreme violence and sex between men, often forced, as a reality of...
Heartbreaking True Stories from Inside Texas Prisons - VICE
2017年3月3日 · So read on for beautifully written, heartrending, and often funny memoir pieces from our journal—Jason Gallegos’s mournful arrival at the prison, my harrowing religious testimony, and moments of...
The Awful Thing I Saw in Prison That Stunned Me Into Silence
2018年8月23日 · The Marshall Project’s 2020 story of a woman who was struck from a jury pool helped advocates push for a bill to discourage juror discrimination. Democratic U.S. Sen. Brian Schatz of Hawaii filed a bill to improve compassionate release from federal prisons using data from our 2020 story.
What the First Day of Prison Is Like - Prison Journalism Project
2024年1月14日 · My first day in prison was the worst day of my life, besides the day I was sentenced to 17 years. Before I touched down in prison I thought it was going to be like something out of the movies — long dark walkways outside of rusty cell doors with the paint peeling off.
My First Three Days in Jail — Prison Journalism Project
2020年12月21日 · STORIES LIKE THIS... are made possible by people like you who help PJP's mission to train incarcerated writers in the tools of journalism and unlock their stories. Your donation of any amount will help bring transparency to the world of mass incarceration.
Between the Bars : Human Stories from Prison
Between the Bars is a weblog platform for people in prison, through which the 1% of Americans who are in prison can tell their stories. Leave a comment – we'll pass it on. ... can only help us become a more compassionate, safer society.
10 Stories of Hope and Change from Inside Prison Walls
2024年7月12日 · Discover 10 uplifting stories of hope and transformation from inside prison walls. Learn how individuals find resilience and redemption, showcasing the power of change even in the toughest environments
The Best Prison Writing of 2024
2024年12月11日 · Whether demanding a voice in prison, or forming a video gaming community, or rooting on a favorite team, our top stories this year came from writers who asserted their humanity and aimed to show that they are more than a prison identification number.
Inmates Stories - Mental Health 4 Inmates
8 inmates tell their stories. During the week of August 30 thru September 3, 2010, Alan Pogue, an award-winning photographer from Austin, Texas (http://www.documentaryphotographs.com/), and Tammie Pope, the paralegal and primary investigator on this case, traveled to five institutions and interviewed 22 inmates. During these sessions, the ...