Berlin - Official Website of the City of Berlin, Capital of Germany
The official website of the city of Berlin. Interesting information for all Berliners and tourists.
History of Berlin
Information on the history of the city of Berlin with an overview of the epochs, the history of the districts, museums and monuments as well as a focus on National Socialism and the Berlin Wall.
Tourism – Berlin.de
Travel to Berlin: All information for Berlin tourists including sightseeing, hotels, guided tours, boat tours & more.
Attractions & Sights – Berlin.de
Berlin's top attractions, palaces and monuments with address, photos, public transport details and more.
Top 10 Berlin Sights and Attractions
The Brandenburg Gate, Checkpoint Charlie, Museum Island and more: A trip to Berlin wouldn't be complete without visiting these attractions and sights.
Attractions and Sights A-Z – Berlin.de
From Alexanderplatz to Zoo: the most important attractions and sights in Berlin from A to Z.
Events & Culture in Berlin – Berlin.de
There's never a dull moment in Berlin! From art events to folk festivals, from film festivals to gallery tours, from the Carnival of Cultures to the New Year's Eve party at the Brandenburg Gate: Berlin's cultural program attracts visitors with exciting events all year round.
Top Concerts 2025 - Berlin.de
2025 is going to be musical! Once again, numerous national and international top-class artists will find their way onto the capital's stages. From Kylie Minogue to Iron Maiden and from James Blunt to Nina Chuba, the Berlin audience will be offered a wide range of concerts.
News from Berlin – Berlin.de
2025年1月28日 · The latest news, up-to-date information and developments from Berlin. The news are brought to you by the Deutsche Presse-Agentur (dpa) and the BerlinOnline GmbH. Thursday, 30 January 2025
Berlin Palace
The Berlin Palace, also called Stadtschloss ("City Palace"), is a very special building and certainly unique in Berlin. While three sides of the building's original palace facade were painstakingly reconstructed, the side facing the Spree River features a more modern design.