A new species of deep-sea siphonophore has recently been found off the coast of California that has a surprising strategy for enticing prey to its nematocyst-laden tentilla.
The majority of siphonophores are long and thin, consisting mostly of a clear gelatinous material. Some deep water species have dark orange or red digestive systems that can be seen inside …
There are a few exceptional locations in the world where the right combination of wind, currents, and geography carry deep water animals that are usually found only in the open ocean, …
Bargmannia elongata, a siphonophore that is common at depths of about 600 meters off the coast of California, has proven particularly informative in a recent study of the colony level …
Siphosome- The region of a siphonophore colony that contains the feeding, reproductive, and defensive zooids. The zooids of the siphosome are arranged in a species specific, repeating …
There are three historically recognized groups of siphonophores: the cystonects, physonects, and calycophorans. It is easiest to get a grasp on siphonophores by first taking a look at …
Siphonophores, then, have become extremely complicated organisms, just as we have, but in an entirely different way. Whereas we are made up of specialized cells that are arranged into …
A Complete Life-Cycle of the Calycophoran Siphonophore Muggiaea -Kochi (Will) in the Laboratory, under Different Temperature Conditions - Ecological Implications.
This site is written and maintained by Casey Dunn. It provides an introduction to the biology of siphonophores, and is intended for both a scientific and general audience. Dr. Philip R. Pugh …
All the zooids in a given siphonophore colony are descended from a single fertilized egg. The egg develops into the protozooid, a polyp that gives rise through budding to all the other zooids of …