OPPO Global Community
OPPO Global Community is an ever-expanding Ecosphere designed to bring worldwide users together. You can experience the latest OPPO content, share your inspiration and nurture your exclusive community.
如何看待 OPPO 将 Logo 改为黑底,这样能提高品牌形象吗? - 知乎
2023年8月2日 · 看大家都在吐槽OPPO更logo换主色调,放弃经典绿色。 但这其实还不是最离谱的事情,OPPO其实在前不久才刚换过一次品牌主视觉 当时找了SDL合作,设计了一套全新的品牌视觉,还包括一个全新的品牌主色调,荧光绿。
Ollie Elemental - community.oppo.com
Share your creation on the OPPO Community, Instagram, X, TikTok, or Facebook using the hashtags #OPPOLifeStudio and #OllieElementalCollection. By participating, you could win a single Ollie or the entire Ollie Elemental Collection! 3. In the personalized video with your wishes, you must include your OPPO Community username or Social Media handle.
Ollie - OPPO Global Community
We collaborated with the OPPO Community Members and this Ollie was born. They decided on the design, backstory, and name. Our OPPO fans have a voice in what we create - and we are proud of showing it.
OPPO将绿底logo改为黑底,我反倒觉得没有特色了 ... - 知乎
2023年8月9日 · OPPO将绿底logo改为黑底,我反倒觉得没有特色了,大家怎么评价? 虽然很多大牌都是黑白色,但oppo这么多年深入人心的绿色,改了很尴尬,和线下用户的解释成本也很高啊,我刚把我妈的oppo reno9喊转转小哥上门回收…
OPPO Logo更换新字体 名曰无衬线体,你怎么看? - 知乎
2019年3月13日 · 总而言之,新的logo从整体上显得更加时尚,简洁。但是在特色和辨识度方面,原版本logo更胜一筹。 但是在特色和辨识度方面,原版本LOGO更胜一筹。 我们也总结过一些品牌的LOGO更换和无衬线字体的流行趋势,欢迎阅读
OPPOr11s手机开机卡在OPPO界面怎么解决啊? - 知乎
oppor11s手机开机卡在oppo界面怎么解决啊? 手机突然变得很卡顿,后来就息屏开不开机了,起初手机上还会出现闪电标志,在网上看了开机教程,用音量+和电源键同时按,震动后亮了到OPPO界面,结果就一直…
OPPO Community
OPPO Global Community is an ever-expanding Ecosphere designed to bring worldwide users together. You can experience the latest OPPO content, share your inspiration and nurture your exclusive community.
OPPO手机因系统问题无法开机,始终黑屏,如何使它开机? - 知乎
OPPO Global Community
2023年1月31日 · Oppo Find X5 – March 2022; Oppo Find X3 – March 2021 . As you can see from the pattern above, March is the slot Oppo uses to release new generations of the Find X models, so it seems pretty likely that the Oppo Find X6 will arrive in the same date. How much will the Oppo Find X6 cost?