言传身教,汉语成语,拼音是yán chuán shēn jiào,意思是一面口头上传授,一面行动上以身作则,指言语行为起模范作用。 出自《后汉书·第五伦传》。
言传身教 in English - Cambridge Dictionary
Translation of 言传身教 – Mandarin Chinese–English dictionary 言传身教 practise what you preach phrase UK to do the things that you advise other people to do:
2024年4月24日 · 汉语成语的“言传身教”思想内涵,在《论语》一书中,已记载有生动的道德实践和体验。
Words pass on, actions lead.-言传身教- Chinese Wisdom Hub
言传身教.This idiom emphasizes the importance of setting a good example through both words and deeds. It suggests that teaching should not only involve speaking but also demonstrating the desired behavior through actions, as actions often speak louder than words.
言传身教,中国成语,作主语、谓语,意思是用言语讲解、传授;身教:以行动示范。 既用言语来教导,又用行动来示范。
言传身教,中国成语,作主语、谓语,意思是用言语讲解、传授;身教:以行动示范。 既用言语来教导,又用行动来示范。
言传身教 meaning - Chinese-English Dictionary
言传身教/言傳身教 [Pinyin] yán chuán shēn jiào [English meaning] to teach by words and example (idiom) [Synonym] 示范,演示,以身作则 [Antonym] 言而无信
言传身教 (yán chuán shēn jiào) Definition & Meaning - What does 言传身教 …
The definition & meaning, examples & expressions, synonyms & antonyms, idioms & phrases, similar-form characters and Homophones of 言传身教 in HanBook Chinese Dictionary. The Chinese translation of 言传身教 is teach by personal example as well as verbal instruction .
言传身教,常用汉语成语,读音是(yán chuán shēn jiào )。 ABCD式组合,联合式结构,言传身教意思是:一面在言语上传授;讲解;一面在行动上示范。 指言语行动起模范作用。 出自南朝・宋・范晔《后汉书・第五伦传》。 一般作主语、谓语,含褒义。
言传身教的好处或者说为什么要言传身教? - 知乎
言传身教,汉语成语,拼音是yán chuán shēn jiào,意思是 一面口头上传授,一面行动上以身作则,指言语行为起模范作用。
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