Ancient Rock Art - The Ancient Connection
Ancient rock art provides insights into the lifestyle, beliefs, and religions of our ancestors, enduring through the millennia. A lot of ancient rock art depicts enigmatic humanoid figures, now-extinct megaflora and megafauna, geometric patterns, and sacred symbols.
Ancient Rock Art In China - The Ancient Connection
Thanks to a famous geographer named Li Daoyuan, China was the earliest country to officially discover ancient rock art in the world. As a matter of fact, the Chinese geographer recorded over twenty sites in a book called “Shui Jing Zhu”, written over 1.500 years ago.
The Peterborough Petroglyphs in Ontario - The Ancient Connection
The Peterborough petroglyphs are the largest collection of ancient rock carvings in all of North America, counting approximately 900 images carved into limestone near Peterborough, a town located in Ontario.
The Canyon Petroglyphs of North America - The Ancient Connection
The canyon petroglyphs of North America are one of the most enigmatic examples of ancient rock art in the world. They often depict strange anthropomorphic figures, the so-called “Ant-People” of the Native American’s mythology and legends, who are pictured as giant beings.
Ice Age Rock Art From Colombia - The Ancient Connection
Deep in the Amazon forest of Colombia, in one of its most inaccessible points, the recent discovery of a whopping 12km long series of paintings made the news with worldwide resonance as the finest example of prehistoric rock art from the last Ice Age.
The Valcamonica "Astronauts" - The Ancient Connection
Was there an advanced civilization before the Younger Dryas impact erased it? We bring the pieces back together by exploring unexplained megalithic sites, prehistoric rock art, new archaeological findings, and ancient sacred texts with an open mind.
The Tassili N'Ajjer Enigmatic Paintings - The Ancient Connection
The Tassili N'Ajjer desert in Algeria is home to one of the greatest ancient rock art collections in the world. What do these paintings represent?
The Ennedi Plateau & Its Enigmatic Rock Art - The Ancient …
Was there an advanced civilization before the Younger Dryas impact erased it? We bring the pieces back together by exploring unexplained megalithic sites, prehistoric rock art, new archaeological findings, and ancient sacred texts with an open mind.
Dolmens in India - The Ancient Connection
Scattered across the Indian subcontinent, dolmens represent an ancient form of burial and ritual architecture that speaks to the creativity and spiritual practices of early societies. Found in various regions, these stone structures offer a fascinating glimpse into the past and highlight connections to similar megalithic sites around the world.
The Chinese Pyramids - The Ancient Connection
Was there an advanced civilization before the Younger Dryas impact erased it? We bring the pieces back together by exploring unexplained megalithic sites, prehistoric rock art, new archaeological findings, and ancient sacred texts with an open mind.