Northrop B-2 Spirit - Wikipedia
The Northrop B-2 Spirit, also known as the Stealth Bomber, [3] is an American heavy strategic bomber, featuring low-observable stealth technology designed to penetrate dense anti-aircraft defenses. A subsonic flying wing with a crew of two, the plane was designed by Northrop (later Northrop Grumman ) as the prime contractor, with Boeing ...
B-2 Technical Details - Northrop Grumman
B-2 Technical Details. Type: Strategic, long-range heavy bomber with low-observable technology and all-altitude capability to penetrate the most sophisticated air defenses in nuclear and conventional missions Power Plant: Four General Electric F118-GE-100 turbofans, each 17,300 lbs. thrust. Crew: Two (pilot and mission commander) Wingspan: 172 feet
B-2 Spirit > Air Force > Fact Sheet Display
The B-2 Spirit is a multi-role bomber capable of delivering both conventional and nuclear munitions. A dramatic leap forward in technology, the bomber represents a major milestone in the U.S. bomber modernization program.
Fact Sheets - U.S. Air Force
2015年12月16日 · The B-2 Spirit is a multi-role bomber capable of delivering both conventional and nuclear munitions. A dramatic leap forward in technology, the B-2 brings massive firepower to bear, in a short time, anywhere on the globe through previously impenetrable defenses.
Infographic Shows Bomb Payload Of WWII Aircraft Compared …
2017年5月4日 · In this spirit, we made another infographic (as you requested actually) showing you guys the payloads of bombers. Since we can’t include every bomber ever made, we selected 19 that are most famous from World War II to today. Yes, you’ll see everything from a B-17 Flying Fortress to the B-2 Spirit.
B-2 Spirit Stealth Bomber - Bomb Loading - YouTube
Airmen from Whiteman Air Force Base getting ready for the 2012 Air Force Global Strike Challenge. Video includes bomb load. Video by Senior Airman Nathan Tuc...
Why does the B-2 have a smaller payload than other bombers of ...
2017年6月26日 · Why does the B-2 carry a much smaller payload than the other bombers of comparable size? Does it signify, that B-2 has worse aerodynamic characteristics? If yes - what are causes of it?
B-2 | Spririt | Bomber | USAF | US Aircraft
The B-2 Spirit's combination of stealth, range, payload capacity, and precision makes it an essential component of the U.S. Air Force's strategic and tactical operations, capable of executing critical missions in high-threat environments.
Loading JDAM bombs onto a B-2 Stealth Bomber - YouTube
Weapons load crews practice loading a JDAM bomb onto the B-2 Spirit Weapons Load Trainer ...
509th Aircraft Maintenance Squadron streamline loading processes
2023年3月3日 · The 509th Aircraft Maintenance Squadron has a new weapons loading system designed to make the B-2 Spirit stealth bomber more lethal. Maintainers with the 509th AMXS trained with the new Launcher Load System (LLS) recently at Whiteman Air Force Base.