DL Semi-Fave Bill Hemmer Mocked for Saying Karl Marx Wrote …
2021年8月11日 · DL Semi-Fave Bill Hemmer Mocked for Saying Karl Marx Wrote Mein Kampf Said it as part of a personal anecdote about how "Critical Race Theory" shouldn't be taught in …
Closet Case Bill Hemmer Takes Shepard Smith’s Timeslot - the …
2019年12月10日 · The bovine Bill Hemmer. Mooo! by Anonymous: reply 9: December 10, 2019 5:12 PM ... Well, Bill finally got ...
Hot Local News Anchors - the Data Lounge
2020年9月15日 · Yes it's Brian Taff in Philly. He is my secret crush. WASPy guy. Married w twins. But I can still dream. Saw him at beach once and he has the furriest nice legs ever. Smooth …
Anybody know why the Republicans voted down the Veterans …
2022年7月28日 · The bill, from Montana Democratic Sen. Jon Tester and Kansas Republican Sen. Jerry Moran, has been bogged down for nearly two months as U.S. lawmakers debated …
QUEER AS FOLK May 1 Reunion - the Data Lounge
2020年5月4日 · heh, and heh, was actually married to one once upon a time, r8. but it ain't just women. reminds me of a joke. Irish Alzheimers: You forget everything except the grudges.
Breaking! Breaking! Thomas Dolby is married to Kathleen Beller.
2018年4月6日 · Hello. Some features on this site require a subscription. Please click here to get full access and no ads for $1.99 or less per month.
Fox News is shameless - the Data Lounge
2024年10月11日 · Editor takes Fox News to task. [quote]One of my favorite parts of Bill Adair’s new book on political lies is that he names three different people from Fox News to The Lying …
MSNBC's "The Weekend" Premiers! Your thoughts? - the Data …
2024年1月26日 · Hello. Some features on this site require a subscription. Please click here to get full access and no ads for $1.99 or less per month.
Let's be a cliche sitcom? - the Data Lounge
2023年10月22日 · [quote] why, then, networks decided the 1980s was a good time to start killing off moms. Huh? 1950s and 60s and 70s were full of dead mom shows.
Patricia Routledge - the Data Lounge
2023年4月29日 · Catch Patricia Routledge and Prunella Scales in Alan Bennett's 1978 play "Doris and Doreen" Here Alan Bennett deliciously captures mood of things one year before Margaret …