Caring for Pigeons in an Aviary or Indoors - BackYard Chickens
2023年1月26日 · Are pigeons good house pets? Pigeons aren’t destructive, and the loudest noises they make are the flapping of their wings and their quiet coos. They spend a lot of time walking along the ground or relaxing on a favorite perch. Tame pigeons can be very feisty and like to “play fight” with their owners, which consists of pecking and wing-slaps.
can your house bobwhite and coturnix quail together?
2014年12月30日 · Can you house Bobwhite and coturnix quail together? I have two Georgia Giant Bobwhites and one Texas A&M in the same brooding cage they get upset when separated and where hatched at about the same time. Its been almost 5 weeks since they were hatched and not sure how I should proceed in the next several weeks.
The Ultimate Chicken Care Guide: Caring for Them, Disabled …
2023年9月1日 · The chicken (Gallus gallus domesticus) is the most widespread farmyard bird, numbering in the billions. There are more than 1600 chicken breeds worldwide. Intelligent and sentient, the chicken is primarily kept for its meat and eggs. The total population of chickens are 34.4 billion compared to humans' 8 billion.
How to keep chickens away from house and bird feeder?
2010年7月24日 · The bird feeder hangs from a post so the chickens can't get to it directly, but they will hang around until the birds fling out enough bird seed onto the ground for them to eat. The bird feeder is emptying out much faster than usual as a result. (Lots of birds frequent the feeder but the chickens are eating most of it.)
Will possum attack chickens during the day?
2021年12月30日 · Looks like he's using the bird house as his den. Opossums are nocturnal and very rarely find food during the day. Even if he was on the hunt for something to eat, I doubt he'd go after the chickens. They're pretty lazy and aren't very fast, and that one looks juvenile, so the chickens could easily outrun or fend him off.
Do your port ("bucket") feeders keep house sparrows out?
2012年12月17日 · If house sparrows are on your bird feeder and it's in range of your pellet/bb gun, you can shoot them. Same for European Starlings since they are both invasive species. I've also noticed that wild birds in my area will eat up crumbles, but aren't fond of pellet feed.
Can more then one male quail live together? - BackYard Chickens
2009年1月26日 · the bird is the word. 11 Years. Sep 14, 2008 ... I put a generously-sized two-story bird house in for my ...
Can mites live off people/ infest their house?? - BackYard Chickens
2012年1月25日 · The northern fowl mite cannot survive for more than a month off its host, while the chicken mite hides in cracks and crevices near bird nests during the day and feeds by night. Cheyletiella mites infest both birds and mammals. They may prey on other mites and insects living on the host’s skin.
A Simple and Effective Coop Plan for 50 standard-sized chickens
2008年12月31日 · 2 sq ft per bird is enough. more sq ft per bird is a bonus. He did say theyd only be in the coop at night. yeah, if they are only in at night, you can get by with less square foot per bird. You also, however, have to take into account if it is really bad weather out, and they are stuck in - but even then, it would probably only be for a day or two.
neighbor's chicken coop too close? - BackYard Chickens
2017年8月27日 · I live on a private road. Old farm land that was divided up into lots. I have 5 acres. My neighbor has 12 acres (mostly unusable). They have assembled a couple sheds enclosed in fencing and intend to house chickens. They say it is 20 ft from property line. However the edge is with 35 ft from my house and bedroom/living room windows.