Didn't Receive Credit for the Quest Blood Infusion
Common Problems. No credit granted for Blood Infusion. Not able to use Vampiric Bite during fight with Blood-Queen Lana'thel.
How to Install Warcraft: Humans and Orcs and Warcraft II: Tides of ...
Information on purchasing and installing the original Warcraft and Warcraft II
Can't Complete Achievement - Minions of the Cold Dark
What to do if you have completed the quest "A Light of the Dark" and returned the Coagulated Black Blood Clots to Janky but you do not have credit for the "The War Within" achievement. Can't Start Quest - The Anvil-Thane's Designs. How to start the Dark Iron Heritage quest line for mount and weapon designs. Can't Complete Achievement - To The ...
Missing Flight Paths - Blizzard Support
Common Problems. Unable to use flight paths. Flight master not offering flight paths. I changed factions and I am missing some transports
Patch Notes
2024年12月17日 · Wither Away has been updated – Blood Plague/Frost Fever deals its damage 100% faster, and the second scythe of Exterminate applies Blood Plague/Frost Fever. Dark Talons has been updated – Marrowrend and Heart Strike/ Consuming Killing Machine or Rime has a 25% chance to grant 3 stacks of Icy Talons and increase its maximum stacks by the ...
Unable to Complete The Fall of the Sunwell Scenario
Common Problems I have tried to do "The Fall of the Sunwell" quest but nothing happens at the end Kael'thas stopped moving, so I can't do Fall of the Sunwell
Cannot get Blood Knight Tabard on Boosted Character
Boosted Blood Elf Paladins will automatically have the Blood Knight quest chain completed. You can obtain the Blood Knight tabard from Garyl , the Tabard Vendor in Orgrimmar. Modern WoW
Battle.net Authenticator - Blizzard Support
Jump To:[Enabling an Authenticator] [Detaching an Authenticator] [In-Game Benefits] [Using an Authenticator] []
Can't Create Custom Groups Using Group Finder - Blizzard Support
Custom text on Group Finder listings now require an Authenticator and Phone Notifications.
Diablo Immortal Drop Rates - Blizzard Support
Drop rate information for Diablo Immortal is listed below and can also be found in-game. For relevant short term in-game events, drop rate information can be found in the event's information window by using the "i" icon.