Can Botox Be Used Around the Mouth Area? - RealSelf
2010年7月19日 · Yes, you can use Botox to correct a variety of conditions around the mouth and lips, such as a gummy smile, smoker's lines, drooping mouth, uneven lips, etc. However, it takes a great deal of experience to inject in this area and get a good outcome.
How Botox Can Treat Lower Face & Neck Wrinkles | RealSelf News
2024年2月16日 · For the so-called barcode or smoker’s lines around the mouth, “several injections of two units of toxin can be placed along the upper and lower lip to minimize lip furrows,” Dr. Kennedy says. The dose is similar to that used for a lip flip , which, by releasing the orbicularis oris muscle, allows the top lip to turn out a bit, showcasing ...
I got botox around my mouth and it caused a crooked smile
2008年10月6日 · Now that you have had Botox injected around the mouth and you are suffering the dreaded temporary complication, the only way to help is to try and restore the balance of the muscles. This may be helped by injecting Botox on the other side to help restore symmetry or in an opposing muscle.
Botox Cosmetic Benefits, How Long It Lasts, Safety & More - RealSelf
2023年5月8日 · The most common Botox side effect is mild bruising at the injection site. Muscle weakness is an intended effect, but some patients find it unsettling when certain muscles don’t function normally, particularly those around the mouth.
5 Ways Botox Can Improve Your Smile | RealSelf News
2023年10月11日 · The muscle responsible is the aforementioned orbicularis oris, which encircles your entire mouth to help you purse your lips. “By placing very small amounts of Botox at the vermilion border, very superficially, in strategic spots, you can relax the muscle where the lines are being formed, diminishing those wrinkles over time,” says Dr. Heskett.
Heaviness around my lips/mouth, causing lines when I talk or
2024年12月22日 · Botox: As you mentioned, Botox can be used to relax the depressor anguli oris (DAO) muscle, which may help lift the corners of the mouth and reduce the appearance of lines. It's a common and effective treatment for dynamic wrinkles caused by muscle movement.
Botox to chin causing weird changes in mouth movement & lip …
2016年1月1日 · Hello Petunia83,Injecting the depressor anguli oris (DAO) can help to turn the corners of the mouth up by weakening this muscle that is pulling the corners down. Because it is affecting a muscle that moves the mouth, it can give patients a strange feeling around the mouth. Patients tend to either love it or hate it.
I can't speak or drink properly after Botox in my chin, how
2018年12月6日 · In this area 2-8 units of Botox are used.It is critical that in this area a small amount of product is used and placed in the appropriate place. If too much product is used or it is placed in the wrong place it can migrate to nearby muscles. In this case it may affect the muscles around the mouth used for eating, speaking, and breathing.
I Had Botox Around my Lower Lip Chin Area . Now Mouth Looks
2013年7月13日 · Fortunately, Botox is temporary and if you do not like how your mouth looks, then your normal movement will return in around 3-5 months from the time of injection. Effects around the lower face tend to go away faster, especially if you use the muscles in this area a lot.
When a Doctor Injects Botox Around Mouth for Smokers Lines
2011年5月9日 · Answer: Botox can be very helpful for treatment of "smoker's lines" around the mouth Botox can be very helpful for treatment of "smoker's lines" around the mouth. The main risks include asymmetry (more/ less effect on one side) and involvement of muscles that the injector did not intend to weaken.