2024 Pathology/ Laboratory Coders' Specialty Guide - AAPC
Coders’ Specialty Guide 2024: Pathology/ Laboratory gives you instant access to everything you need for each CPT® code, lay terms, CCI edits and coding tips. Home > Shop > Books and Guides > Coders' Specialty Guide 2024: Pathology/ Laboratory (Volume 1 & II)
Proper Use of Modifier 91 - AAPC Knowledge Center
2014年10月15日 · Coding for this scenario is: 84132 Potassium; serum, plasma or whole blood 84132-91 84132-91 84132-91. Per CPT® guidelines, you should not append modifier 91 for lab tests: That are repeated to confirm the initial results; That are repeated due to malfunctions of either the testing equipment or the specimen; or
CPT Coding for Laboratory Panels - AAPC Knowledge Center
2017年8月7日 · He has been covering medical coding and billing, healthcare policy, and the business of medicine since 1999. He is an alumnus of York College of Pennsylvania and Clemson University. No Responses to “CPT Coding for Laboratory Panels”
coding From a Lab report | Medical Billing and Coding Forum - AAPC
2018年4月16日 · Coding from Lab Report Agreed! You should not diagnosis code from a lab report. There are way too many variables, and since as coders we don't treat the patient- you amending that diagnosis code that may actually trigger a payment is a pretty big compliance risk.
2025 Pathology/Lab Coverage for CPT, HCPCS, ICD-10 & CCI - AAPC
Complete Pathology/Lab coverage for 2025 - CPT, HCPCS, and ICD-10 codes, CCI edits, and more - with searchable archives, 24 CEUs & more
Wiki Coding after results for test is recieved - AAPC
2009年5月18日 · coding labs This is a primary care practice with our own lab. We also do our own DEXA scans. The question arose when one of my coders asked me whether we could code our dexa's after the results come back since some of them may have a dx of osteoporosis after the interpretation vs. using a screening code.
3 Tips for Proper PSA Test Coding - AAPC Knowledge Center
2020年9月1日 · Some payers, including Medicare, have different coding requirements for screening and diagnostic PSA tests. For a Medicare patient, report a screening PSA with G0103 Prostate cancer screening; prostate specific antigen test (PSA) and a diagnostic PSA with one of the following three codes (based on the type of test):
2024年12月2日 · Please advise; these are the notes: The diagnosis provided is Inferior STEMI. These are the procedure codes that the doctor provided: 93458-26, 59 99152 92941-PLV 92928-RC I'm not very experienced at coding... It is my understanding that the available anatomical modifiers for coronary...
Professional Services in the Clinical Lab: - AAPC
2009年7月1日 · A payer representative recently wrote to Coding Edge with a problem: “A clinical pathologist is also the medical director of a hospital-based laboratory. He is paid a hospital salary for his services as the lab director. He has been billing lab codes with modifier 26 Professional component appended.
Coding for Urine Culture? Know What Each Choice Represents : …
2018年8月14日 · Here’s why: Most lab culture codes include both the isolation and presumptive organism identification. Although urine culture code 87086 is unique, another code is also available to report presumptive identification (87081, Culture, presumptive, pathogenic organisms, screening only ) in addition to 87086 for the isolation.