Crocodile Games - Home
Crocodile Games will be making an unavoidable price increase on most metal miniatures on Friday, July 15. We’ve held off as long as possible - it has been many years since we’ve had to raise prices. However, the last year has seen the cost of casting metal skyrocket, and we have no alternative to raise the prices of miniatures accordingly.
Crocodile Games - Online Store
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Crocodile Games - Community Forum
2022年8月14日 · Crocodile Games: Posts: Last Post: Crocodile Games News and Updates: 17: 07/02/2015 at 18:55:24:PM: The latest news and updates from Crocodile Games.
Crocodile Games - About Us
Crocodile Games is an association of creative individuals, dedicated to promoting excellence in the miniature gaming hobby. To this end, we are developing our own fantasy world, based on classic themes of mythology and ancient cultures. This world is known as the "Antediluvian Age", and it is the setting for our WarGods series of games.
Crocodile Games - Creators of WarGods
This 288 page softcover book provides you with all the rules and background you need to play the game using the forces of Aegyptus, and gets you started collecting and painting your own warband of Crocodile Games miniatures. Includes 2 sheets of Command Counters. Inside you will find the rules and background for the following warbands:
Crocodile Games - Store Category
Showing 1 thru 12 of 39 Items: Asar Harbinger of Horus, Aspect of the Avenger WGE-215 - $17.95 Asar Harbinger of Horus, Aspect of the Defender
Crocodile Games - Store Category
Showing 1 thru 12 of 45 Items: Abomination 2 - Undead Sphinx WGE-704 - $24.95 Anubi Crypt Lord with Anubis Statuette
Crocodile Games - Croc Tales
Meet "Croc Tales" -- the Crocodile Games webzine. In the coming months, we'll be using this webzine to introduce new WarGods rules and troops, as well as to show off some of our favorite painting and scenery-building ideas.
Crocodile Games - Creators of WarGods
WGH-201 - Retail Price $14.95 Contains an Ice Witch Body, cape and a 25mm square base. Sculpted by Chris FitzPatrick.
Crocodile Games - Store Category
Showing 1 thru 9 of 9 Items: Corinth Hoplite Unit - Soldiers of Fortune WGO-323b - $49.95 Corinth Hoplite Unit - Suitors of Aphrodite