Digit Widget - to aid in the treatment of PIP flexion contractures
The Digit Widget is an effective tool in the treatment of moderate to severe PIP flexion contractures because it is able to extend a contracted PIP joint without surgical release of the volar structures, if the tissues are compliant and the joint is intact.
Downloads - Hand Biomechanics Lab
Digit Widget Surgeon’s Manual (1.4 MB) Digit Widget Condensed Surgical Guide (1.2 MB) Digit Widget Nurse’s Checklist (465 KB) Digit Widget Condensed Assembly Guide (389 KB) PIP Flexion Contracture Educational Booklet (446 KB) Patient Information for the Digit Widget (566 KB) DW Therapy Guidelines (430 KB) Range of Motion (ROM) Graph (254 KB ...
FAQ - Hand Biomechanics Lab
The Digit Widget is an effective tool in the treatment of moderate to severe PIP flexion contractures because it is able to extend a contracted PIP joint without surgical release of the volar structures, if the tissues are compliant and the joint is intact.
Digit Widget Case Study 1 - Dupuytren's Contracture - Hand …
A case study where the Digit Widget is used to treat the long and ring fingers of a patient with Dupuytren's contractures of the PIP and MCP joints.
The Digit Widget was developed to reverse severe PIP flexion contractures. It utilizes the basic principle that a gentle force, produced by an extension torque and applied over time, stimulates the growth of contracted soft tissues. As joint motion is progressively lost, the redundant soft tissues necessary for normal motion, shorten rapidly as
Hand Biomechanics Lab - Delivering Device Solutions From Our …
Developed to reverse severe PIP flexion contractures, the Digit Widget utilizes the principle that an extension torque applied over time will result in the lengthening of shortened palmar tissues.
Please review our “Patient Information for the Digit Widget” under the downloads section of our website for proper cuff placement and band changing information. Start the patient with the lightest weight bands.
The Digit Widget is an external fixation system designed to apply an extension torque to the Proximal Interphalangeal (PIP) joint of a finger. This device helps regain, maintain, or increase extension of the PIP joint. The patient can actively exercise and use the finger while an extension torque is gently lengthening the contracted tissues on the
The Digit Widget “grows” the palmar soft tissues of a contracted PIP joint back to length by transmitting an extension torque to the joint via skeletal pins.
Digit Widget® External Fixation System Post-Surgery Condensed Assembly Guide For treatment of PIP joint flexion contractures. Maintenance of joint extension depends on identification and treatment of force imbalance causing contracture. CAUTION: Pack B tray and contents should NOT be sterilized. They are not designed to withstand sterilization.