Acceptable Training Activities - Firehouse Forums
Jan 3, 2012 · My fire department instituted a new training mandate requiring 240 hours annually, in 2011. This is based on an ISO recommendation (I'm told). About 1/2 of those hours include training topics mandated by the regional training officers' organization.
Fun Training Night - Firehouse Forums - Firefighting Discussion
Nov 24, 2013 · Looking for some ideas for a fun training night. My dept. has done basketball in turnouts & SCBA's, kickball in turnouts, firefighting themed scavenger hunt in our city. Want to do something different and with competition too.
Has anyone built a training structure using shipping containers?
Dec 19, 2005 · We use four containers at our live fire training facility. Two large ones as the base with two smaller ones stacked on top. We cut windows and doorsways in both, there is both internal and external stairways. We intend to add more containers in the future.
Small town drill ideas - Firehouse Forums - Firefighting Discussion
Aug 28, 2004 · Spring brings wildfire training, swiftwater and high angle rescue, GSAR, etc. In between the fixed topics, we will do refreshers on electrical safety, fire cause determination, first aid, etc. If you don't have a training facility, try to get permission to use the town hall/community center or other municipal buildings after hours.
Hazmat training ideas - Firehouse Forums - Firefighting Discussion
Jun 27, 2005 · Fire2005 - Hazmat response in the fire service requires compliance with NFPA472 and OSHA29CFR1910.120(q). There are specific training criteria that must be met for both the initial training and also the annual refresher training.
Home-Made Training Props - Firehouse Forums - Firefighting …
May 27, 2005 · With the heavy emphasis on RIT over the last several years, several of us at our department built a Denver Drill simulator for under $100. We also added a few features that allowed us to use it as an entanglement and confined space simulator.
ISO and training facilities - Firehouse Forums
Mar 1, 2014 · Training at the facilities credited in this section must be in accordance with the general criteria of NFPA 1403, Standard on Live Fire Training Evolutions and NFPA 1410, Standard on Training for Initial Emergency Scene Operations B. Company Training Program (T2): Company training at fire stations including training using streets, buildings ...
Explorer Training Ideas - Firehouse Forums - Firefighting Discussion
May 27, 2011 · Levels of Training Explorer training is broke up into two different categories, Class I, and Class II. Class I is defined as a basic trained Explorer. Explorers with this training are able to help with duties around the fire station, base radio operation, prevention, inspection, or any other activity that would not include on scene duties.
Does your department pay for EMS training? - Firehouse
Aug 22, 2005 · All training required of our volunteer division is also provided by the department. Currently, the general EMS requirement for them is first responder. It was taught in-house to the vollies sometime last year, I believe. In the combo. department where I got my start, all required training was again provided by the department.
Acquired structure training ideas - Firehouse Forums
Jan 8, 2012 · I would add FF Survivability, RIC Operations, giving Radio Reports, what to look for in a 360, Basement Fire, Building Construction, FF Rescue, Truck Company Operations, how to "Hose Slide", how to climb a charged hoseline, how to remove a Downed FF from a hole using only a hoseline and whatever else your FD may be weaker on.