Field peas grown with barley, oats, triticale, or wheat provide excellent livestock forage. The cereal crop protects the soil during winter when field pea growth is slow, and provides a support for vines to climb, keeping pea vegetation off the ground where it is more likely to rot. Field peas can produce between 1 - 3 tons of dry matter per acre.
Oat and pea forage combinations - MSU Extension
2016年8月18日 · Oat and forage pea mixtures can provide a good quality and good yielding forage option for livestock and dairy producers. Oats and peas can be planted as a nurse crop for alfalfa or other hay seedings, or grown alone.
Field Pea Production | NDSU Agriculture
Field pea is an excellent protein supplement in swine, beef cow and feeder calf, dairy and poultry rations. Field pea often is used in forage crop mixtures with small grain. Field pea forage is approximately 18% to 20 % protein.
Understanding Forage Pea Varieties - Saskatchewan Pulse Growers
Forage pea varieties are similar to traditional field peas in many respects including agronomic considerations. However, plant breeding priorities for forage pea varieties focus on smaller seed size, increased biomass, and good lodging resistance, rather than on grain yield.
Research shows that oats grown with peas can provide excellent tonnage and high quality forage. Including peas in the mixture generally increases crude protein (CP) by 2 to 4 percentage units. In addition, neutral detergent fiber (NDF) is substantially lower and acid detergent fiber (ADF) is slightly lower when peas are combined with
4010 Forage Peas
4010 Forage Peas have been the standard in the forage industry. It is a high yielding, good forage quality pea. It produces lavender flowers on a very tall (long-vined) plant. 4010 Forage Peas produce small seed size (~4,000 seeds/lb.) with very …
Small grain and forage pea mixtures: A forage option
2011年8月11日 · For new alfalfa or mixed hay seedings, small grain/forage peas make a good companion crop, competing well with weeds and protecting vulnerable soils from erosion. Key decisions for success with small grain/forage peas include selecting good small grain and pea varieties (or pre-mixed seed), seeding rate, soil fertility and harvest timing.
Forage Peas - Renovo Seed
Forage Peas are a cool-season legume that provides maximum nutrition during the crucial growing months. This legume with great forage yield potential should be planted into a clean, firm seedbed when both drilling or broadcasting. Seeding Rate: 70 lbs/acre drilled or broadcasted
Forage Pea | Seeds | Deer Creek Seed
Forage peas are a cool season legume developed to produce high quality forage for livestock or wildlife consumption. Barley, oats, and triticale are usually combined with the peas to support upright growth. These are a popular addition to wildlife food plot seed mixtures.
FORAGE PEAS BLENDS: This guide is for planting Forage Peas by themselves. If you are a fan of peas and blends, make sure to try our ESCO Summer Blend™ or Wildlife Buffet™. Separate planting guides for these products are located at www.eagleseed.com/planting-guides.html CONTACT PHONE: 870-684-7377 WEBSITE: www.eagleseed.com EMAIL: