Understanding the Hamilton Operator and its Matrix Representation
2004年6月16日 · OK; thanks. Concerning the fact that the Hamiltonian operator under its form of a matrix who should be self adjoint to give us real eigenvalues: does it mean -a contrario- that a non selfadjoint matrix doesn't give real eigenvalues and more generaly doesn't give eigenvalues with physical sense and reality?
Hamilton operator with moments of inertia : time - independence
2011年8月16日 · The Hamilton operator with moments of inertia is derived from the Schrödinger equation, which is a fundamental equation in quantum mechanics. It is a combination of the kinetic energy and potential energy operators, and is …
Is Hamiltonian operator a Hermitian operator? - Physics Forums
2010年7月16日 · A Hamiltonian operator is a specific type of Hermitian operator that represents the total energy of a system in quantum mechanics. It satisfies the properties of a Hermitian operator, such as having real eigenvalues and orthogonal eigenvectors, making it a useful tool in quantum mechanics calculations.
Hamilton Operator for particle on a circle -- Matrix representation....
2015年8月10日 · The Hamilton Operator for a particle on a circle is a mathematical representation of the total energy of the particle as it moves along a circular path. It takes into account both the kinetic energy and potential energy of the particle.
How are the Riemann tensor of curvature and the Hamilton …
2004年6月16日 · The connection between the Riemann tensor of curvature and the Hamilton operator lies in the field of differential geometry and the theory of relativity. The Riemann tensor is a mathematical object that describes the curvature of a manifold, which is a geometric space that can be curved and is used to model the fabric of spacetime in general ...
Expected Value of the Hamilton operator - Physics Forums
2008年4月16日 · The Hamilton operator, also known as the Hamiltonian, is a mathematical operator used in quantum mechanics to describe the total energy of a system. It is denoted as H and is often represented as the sum of kinetic and potential energy operators. What is the expected value of the Hamilton operator? The expected value of the Hamilton operator is ...
.Solving [X,H] for the SHO Hamiltonian - Physics Forums
2006年2月14日 · In simple terms, it represents the difference between applying the position operator before and after applying the Hamiltonian operator. How do you solve [X,H] for the SHO Hamiltonian? The solution for [X,H] involves using the mathematical properties of the commutator, such as the Jacobi identity, to simplify the expression.
Hamiltonian of a particle in a magnetic field - Physics Forums
2022年2月4日 · Among these operators is the Hamilton operator, which indeed (a) represents the total energy of a system and also (b) describes the time evolution of the system. This is a bit in analogy to classical mechanics in its formulation with the Hamilton canonical formalism.
How to type Hamiltonian symbol in latex - Physics Forums
2011年5月12日 · I am having trouble typing the Hamiltonian symbol into latex. I found the symbol in the...
Kinetic energy of a hydrogen atom in its ground state - Physics …
2014年1月31日 · While playing around with basic QM, I tried using the hamilton operator to find the kinetic energy of a hydrogen atom in its ground state. I assume the wave function ##\psi_1## is known. However, I of course ran into problems... 1) in my solution attempt below, I end up with a kinetic energy 3 times the correct one.