Ayumilove or hell hades for champion masteries?
Stay away from hell hades for masteries. Ayumilove has unique masteries for each champion. Hell hades has most of their champions with generic masteries. For example almost all nukers has the same masteries despite some champions having unique skills that would benefit more not using standard masteries.
Is Hell Hades' Optimiser reliable for an early game player ... - Reddit
May 26, 2021 · I think there is a disconnect between Hell Hades keeping an artifact just for resistance and champs who really benefit from high resistance in DT or arena. So there are certain champs (debuffer, buff removal) that really benefit from that gear and artifacts that will be high resistance will be of high value for them.
Using Hell Hades Optimizer, Thoughts? Tips on how to better
Dec 26, 2021 · Forget Brutal. Aim for 2-4 key Nightmare. The rewards are MUCH better. Use the optimizer find the "Nightmare CB" stat preset (found in t
Marius the Gallant Missions (all 3 Parts / 180 Missions) Hell Hades
Mar 8, 2024 · A subreddit for the hero collector RPG mobile game, RAID: Shadow Legends! and the show RAID: Call of the Arbiter.
Questions about gearing, specifically Doompriest : r ... - Reddit
Jul 17, 2023 · For Doompriest, Hell Hades' website recommends Lifesteal set. But for a defensive based champ, how could lifesteal have more value than Immortal or DEF set? He recommends prioritizing DEF%, HP%, SPD and RES. Surely the regen/15% health bonus from Immortal set is better than lifestealing with her weak A1?
Rector Drath : r/RaidShadowLegends - Reddit
Jun 26, 2024 · I see on Hell Hades that she’s rated incredibly high. I’ve had her as one of my first epics in the game, but I really have yet to find a place that I would even use her. Where do you use Rector and is she worth building? I’d say I’m like breaking into the mid game.
noClip “Developing Hell” Hades Documentary : r/HadesTheGame
Sep 17, 2023 · The subreddit for Hades and Hades II, the godlike rogue-likes from Supergiant Games. Members Online A Hades II plot prediction based on character art
Hell Hades' optimiser won't update my artefacts and champions.
Sep 6, 2022 · Hey, I don't use the optimiser much but when I tried today it wouldn't allow me to refresh my gear. I open up the extractor and when I press "upload to Website" it just says "No instance of Raid: Shadow Legends (using Plarium Play) could be detected."
Account Takeover - how much $? : r/RaidShadowLegends - Reddit
Apr 18, 2020 · Oh I’m not in the takeover business - I just posted it from hell hades discord. If your champs and hall are solid I would recommend looking at either your gear - making sure your defense speed and accuracy are good enough for the level of content you are doing or look at your comp for the dungeon and make sure everyone is doing their job.
About Hell Hades. : r/RaidShadowLegends - Reddit
Aug 2, 2021 · Before Hell Hades, Ayumilove existed. A few content creators existed, mostly Russian I believe. Kael, War Maiden, Spirit Host and Executioner (I think?) were the 'farmable' to gold 1 team. A few well put together reddit threads existed. Hell Hades brought so many aspects of this game to the forefront. Before his videos we all were wearing ATK ...