Review: Rational Rhapsody - SysML & MBSE Support - SysML Forum
Rhapsody is a MBSE architecture modeling tool that provides strong support for UML/SysML State Machine diagram syntax and semantics, including State Machine simulation and execution. However, Rhapsody's support for Activity and Sequence diagrams is relatively weak. Rhapsody's UX tends to be dated and unintuitive, so it tends to be mediocre SysML drawing tool. …
Review: Sparx Enterprise Architect - SysML & MBSE Support
Sparx Enterprise Architect (Sparx EA) is a solid MBSE architecture modeling tool that supports OMG SysML syntax (notation) and provides basic support for requirements traceability, model-based simulation, and automated documentation generation. Sparx EA is an excellent value when one considers its extensive feature set and relatively low price. Recommended as a MBSE …
SysML FAQ: What is a Package diagram (PKG)?
What is a SysML Package diagram? Definitions. Package: A Package (notation: "folder" icon) is a general-purpose mechanism for organizing model elements and diagrams into groups.
SysML FAQ: ...choose betw/ MagicDraw & Cameo?
MagicDraw™ and Cameo™ (Cameo Systems Modeler™ and Cameo Enterprise Architecture™) are architectural modeling tools offered by the No Magic Inc. subsidiary of Dassault Systèmes.
SysML FAQ: What is difference between BDD & IBD?
What is the difference between a Block Definition Diagram (BDD) and an Internal Block Diagram (IBD)? Block Definition Diagrams (BDDs) and Internal Block Diagrams (IBDs) work in a complementary manner to recursively generate structures of arbitrary complexity during System Analysis & Design.
SysML + MBSE Example: Space Vehicle (SV) - SysML Forum
MBSEmaestro.AI: A MBSE + SysML Expert AI Bot for Orchestrating System Architectures - Click to visit site A MBSE + SysML Expert AI Bot for Orchestrating System Architectures
SysML FAQ: What is new in OMG SysML v. 1.6?
OMG SysML v. 1.7 Minor Revision Change Summary:. Added ExceptionHandler: As per chapter 4.1 of the SysML 1.6 specification document, RaiseExceptionAction is part of SysML, but the ExceptionHandler was not part of UML4SysML.
SysML FAQ: What is difference between Block & UML Class?
A SysML Block, which is the basic structural element used within a SysML model, is a stereotyped (customized) extension of a UML Class, which is the basic structural element used within a UML object model.
Commercial, Free & Open Source SysML Tools - SysML Forum
The following is a selected list of SysML modeling tools and SysML plugins for Model-Based Systems Engineering (MBSE). The tools are divided into commercial (a.k.a. proprietary, or closed source) and open source categories, where the latter are often free subject to open source licensing restrictions. Note that many of the Commercial SysML Tool vendors provide …
SysML + MBSE Training & Certification - SysML Forum
The following is a selected list of professional SysML training organizations that teach SysML modeling and Model-Based Systems Engineering (MBSE) in classes, workshops, and seminars. For tool-dependent SysML training related to specific SysML modeling tools please check out the tool vendors listed on the SysML Tools page.