Home - Imagery for Kids®
Learn creative mindful meditation and effective imagination skills to enrich the lives of kids. Bring Dr. Reznick, with her heart, humor, and wisdom, to you — U.S. and worldwide LEARN MORE
Empowering Kids Through Imagery
The most powerful technique to achieve this goal is guided imagery. From preschoolers to adolescents, guided imagery can build confidence and self-esteem, as well as help children develop their own inner resources, and learn to express feelings they …
The Power of Your Child’s Imagination - Imagery for Kids®
In this highly acclaimed book, you are invited into the imaginative world of many of the thousands of children that Dr. Reznick has helped over the years to experience how real kids from all walks of life have learned to heal themselves using the positive power of their minds.
Resources - Imagery for Kids®
A video-on-demand, personalized tool for parents and educators to help raise resilient, capable, and confident kids from researched-based experts. www.ParentTV.com Kids Yoga Training
Charlotte Reznick PhD in Depth - Imagery for Kids®
Responding with unerring intuition to children’s diverse needs, Dr. Reznick is best known for creating Imagery For Kids: Breakthrough for Learning, Creativity, and Empowerment. This highly insightful and compassionate coping skills program combines 9 practical tools originating from mindfulness, meditation, and imagery and enchanced by music ...
Talks & Training Topics - Imagery for Kids®
Help kids manage and transform many of the issues that they have during turmoil, from sleep troubles, somatic complaints, self-harm, irritability, tantrums, worry, fear, anger, and more. And you will understand how to adapt and adjust for different ages, developmental levels, and cultures.
Imagery For Kids Shop
Counseling Services, Guided Imagery, and Meditation Training offered to clients living in: Los Angeles, Santa Monica, Pacific Palisades, Malibu, Beverly Hills, Beverly Glen, Culver City, Brentwood, Westwood, Marina Del Rey, Mar Vista, Encino, Sherman Oaks, Topanga Beach and Topanga Canyon, Ocean Park, Hancock Park, West Hollywood.
Private Practice - Imagery for Kids®
Through nine tools based in mindfulness, meditation, guided and interactive imagery – enhanced by music, drawing, and journal writing – Dr. Reznick teaches children and teens how to skillfully and peacefully navigate through the changing circumstances of life.
About - Imagery for Kids®
Counseling Services, Guided Imagery, and Meditation Training offered to clients living in: Los Angeles, Santa Monica, Pacific Palisades, Malibu, Beverly Hills, Beverly Glen, Culver City, Brentwood, Westwood, Marina Del Rey, Mar Vista, Encino, Sherman Oaks, Topanga Beach and Topanga Canyon, Ocean Park, Hancock Park, West Hollywood.
Kids Experiences - Imagery for Kids®
Kids Experiences We are happy to share feedback from kids and teens about how their experiences delving into meditation, mindfulness, imagery, and the positive power of their imagination has helped transform their lives.