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    M10 tank destroyer - Wikipedia

    • The M10 tank destroyer, formally known as 3-inch gun motor carriage M10 or M10 GMC, was an American tank destroyer of World War II. After US entry into World War II and the formation of the Tank Destroyer Force, a suitable vehicle was needed to equip the new battalions. By November 1941, the Army requested a vehicle with a gun in a fully rotating turret after other … 展开


    U.S. combined arms doctrine on the eve of World War II held that tanks should be designed to fulfill the role of forcing a breakthrough into enemy rear areas. Separate GHQ (General Headquarters) tank battalions w… 展开


    After the formation of the Tank Destroyer Tactical and Firing Center at Camp Hood, Texas in November 1941, the Army began testing to standardize on a configuration for the new tank destroyer battalions. The Tank Destroyer board … 展开