SourceForge - Note about "Mp3Gain PRO"
MP3Gain analyzes and adjusts mp3 files so that they have the same volume. MP3Gain does not just do peak normalization , as many normalizers do. Instead, it does some statistical analysis …
MP3Gain Downloads - SourceForge
AACGain support: You will also need to download AACGain, rename it to "mp3gain.exe", and put it in the MP3Gain folder after installation. Here's a list of what you'll find at the SourceForge …
MP3Gain News - SourceForge
To get it all to work, go download the latest MP3Gain (either "1.2.5 Stable" or "1.3.4 Beta"). Then download AACGain. Un-zip aacgain.exe, re-name it to "mp3gain.exe", and move it into the …
MP3Gain FAQ - SourceForge
Without closing MP3Gain, listen to the mp3 files using your favorite mp3 player. Note how they're approximately the same listening volume Now in MP3Gain, do "Modify Gain -> Apply Max …
Label2.Caption=MP3Gain will only work on mp3 files. Occasionally, mp3gain will mis-identify an mp3 file as an mp2 or mp1 file. Enabling this option forces mp3Gain to skip the safety check, …
MP3Gain Translations - SourceForge
MP3Gain translations are mostly included with the program. On this page, I provide links for new or newly updated translations which are not yet included in the distribution files.
Ocasionalmente, o MP3Gain irá erroneamente identificar um arquivo MP3 como MP2 ou MP1. Ativar essa opção força o MP3Gain a não fazer a verificação de segurança, permitindo a você …
;Language translation for MP3Gain (the GUI part) ; ;Simply translate the strings in this file, name the file ; YOURLANGUAGE.mp3gain.ini ;and put it in the same folder as the GUI e