AMERICAN MULE RACING ASSOCIATION. MINUTES OF THE ANNUAL MEETING. FEBRUARY 22, 2003 . A quorum being present, the meeting of the American Mule Racing Association was called to order at 9:05 a.m. February 22, 2003, by President Don Jacklin at Harrah’s Hotel/Casino in Reno, Nevada.
AMRA newsletter - muleracing.org
American Mule Racing Association HOME About AMRA Cal Bred Registration Forms Join AMRA Mule Links Mules for Sale News New Member Profiles Photo Gallery Speed Index Fair Racing Schedule Email Us! AMRA Newsletter.
AMRA World Championship Futurity - Fresno, CA - muleracing.org
All owners and trainers must be members in good standing with the American Mule Racing Association. All nominees shall be registered with the ADMS. All nominees must be tattooed and must be mouthed for age by a licensed veterinarian.
AMRA New members profiles/bios - muleracing.org
At 8 years of age, Jake Nelson is the youngest member of the American Mule Racing Association. Jake is licensed as an owner by the California Horse Racing Board. He plans on running his mule, Champagne Charlie, on the California Summer Fair Circuit beginning in June.
TAZ the mule bio - muleracing.org
AMRA Photo Gallery Featured Mule SANGER RED (AKA Rosie) What a mule! Not only is she a winner at the racetrack, but you can ride, rope, brand, cut, pack – whatever – on her.
AMRA Mule Racing Speed Index October 2003
2003年10月22日 · American Mule Racing Association. 2003. S.I. Calculation Formula: 1. For S.I. entries of four or less, "THIS MEET" S.I. will be an average of all entries.
Jockey Info - muleracing.org
Speed Index Charts: Cal Bred Information: Race Dates: Jockey Information: Join AMRA: Mules for Sale: Mule Links: Retired Mules: Repurposed Mules: Contact Us: Photo Gallery
Winnimucca Derby 2008 - muleracing.org
2008年3月21日 · All trials, consolation and finals will be run in accordance with the American Mule Racing Association racing rules and the Nevada State Gaming Control Board Rules and Regulations. Tests will be conducted on first place in the finals, first place in the consolation, and first place in the trial races, and at random, if deemed necessary.
Cal Bred Information - muleracing.org
AMRA FORMS AMRA Membership Application; American Mule Racing Registry - Registration Form; AMRA Cal Bred Registration; Cal Bred Program; Cal Bred Sire Earnings
speed index 220 300 350 400 440 220 300 350 400 440 115 13.35 17.45 20.10 22.50 24.79 57 14.51 19.19 22.42 25.98 28.27 114 13.37 17.48 20.14 22.56 24.85 56 14.53 19.22 22.46 26.04 28.33