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- Birkat KohanimThe Priestly Blessing, Birkat Kohanim —also known as Nesi’at Kapayim, the “lifting of the hands”—is a blessing that has been recited by the kohanim, the priests, since biblical times.www.chabad.org/library/article_cdo/aid/4434344/jewish/What-Is-the-Priestly-Ble…
The Priestly Blessing - A step-by-step guide leading …
2009年5月22日 · Raised Hands. Immediately after the blessing, the Kohanim lift their hands beneath their tallits—shoulder-high, palms outstretched and facing …
- 预计阅读时间:8 分钟
The Priestly Blessing - My Jewish Learning
在myjewishlearning.com上查看更多信息The Priestly Blessing (Birkat Kohahim in Hebrew), sometimes also called the threefold blessing, is an ancient benediction recited by the priests (kohanim) in the holy temple in Jerusalem. Today, it is recited in synagogues most commonly during the Musaf prayer, the additional holiday service recited after the Torah reading.Birkat Kohanim - The Priestly Blessing - Hebrew for …
The mitzvah of birkat kohanim (the "priestly blessing") is unique in that if a kohen is unhappy, he must not recite the blessing (therefore a kohen who is in aveilut (mourning over the death of a parent) is required to leave during birkat kohanim).
What Is the Priestly Blessing? - Birkat Kohanim 101
2019年7月12日 · The Priestly Blessing, Birkat Kohanim —also known as Nesi’at Kapayim, the “lifting of the hands”—is a blessing that has been recited by the …
- 预计阅读时间:6 分钟
Is the Vulcan Salute a Jewish Symbol? - Chabad.org
2015年3月3日 · Yes, the Vulcan salute is an authentic imitation of the manner by which Cohanim spread their hands in most congregations when blessing the congregation to this day. Cohanim are those people that today comprise about …
The Priestly Blessing - Reform Judaism
The blessings are introduced by an order addressed to the priests "thus ye shall bless" and conclude with the divine statement "And I will bless them." An easy solution to the above …
The Priestly Blessing - Chabad.org
What is it about the Priestly Blessing that triggers such euphoria? Why does it have the power to uplift? How does this blessing differ from those we utter ourselves?
Priestly Blessing Essays - Chabad.org
The Priestly Blessing By Naftali Silberberg The kohanim remove their shoes and extend their hands, fingers parted and palms stretched outwards; the congregation hide their faces under …
The Priestly Blessing - Wellspring Israel
2017年6月10日 · Numbers 6 closes with the immortal words of the priestly blessing, a commandment for the sons of Aaron to bless Israel. To this day, the sons of Aaron lift their …
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