Quantum materials - Wikipedia
Quantum materials is an umbrella term in condensed matter physics that encompasses all materials whose essential properties cannot be described in terms of semiclassical particles and low-level quantum mechanics. [1]
Quantum Materials Science - Princeton Materials Institute
Quantum materials are vaguely defined as materials that don’t behave according to laws of classical physics. Examples include superconductors, complex magnets or topological materials. These materials can lead to many novel technologies, including faster computers, fault tolerant quantum computers, improved optical sensors or levitating trains.
Quantum materials | Institute for Quantum Computing
Understanding the quantum mechanical structure of materials and experimenting with new structures and components can lead to new effects, with uses in both building quantum sensing and computing technologies and beyond.
Quantum materials | University of Oxford Department of Physics
2024年10月14日 · By making measurements on low-dimensional magnetic materials, we experimentally explore the mechanisms responsible for these exotic properties, map out new magnetic states and evolve current models of quantum magnetism.
This Review surveys the electronic properties of quantum materials through the prism of the electron wavefunction, and examines how its entanglement and topology give rise to a rich variety of quantum states and
Quantum Materials
The capability to create and control quantum materials will be a true materials revolution. Quantum materials produce incredible properties beyond those found in conventional materials.
Quantum materials | Quantum at Yale
Quantum materials exhibit magnetic and electrical properties that, if fully understood and controlled, could lead to revolutionary advances in energy-efficient electronics and high-speed devices. Unlike classical materials, these systems maintain quantum effects across broader energy and length scales, opening new possibilities for ...
Quantum materials - SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory
2024年7月18日 · Quantum materials, such as high-temperature superconductors and topological insulators, have unusual properties that emerge out of interactions between their electrons.
Quantum Materials | Physics - University of California, Berkeley
A quantum material defies classical explanation. It can be quantum due to strong correlation between electrons, topology, or reduced dimensionality. The confluence of multiple aspects can create difficult to anticipate novel quantum behaviors.
Quantum Materials and Devices Theory
Research at Princeton spans fundamental physical phenomena and applied device theory, and the collaborative environment enables radically new opportunities in quantum materials and devices.