sRGB or Adobe RGB Color Space or both? - Photo.net
2020年12月21日 · AdobeRGB is a wider color space than sRGB, closer to what your eye can perceive. sRGB is a narrow color space, which consequently has more contrast. It is mainly used for compatibility with non-color-managed displays and printing. You probably won't notice the difference with color-managed displays.
CMYK vs. RGB vs. LAB COLOR - Photo.net
2004年2月16日 · CMYK (CyanMagentaYellowblacK) and RGB (RedGreenBlue) are more commonly known, because CMYK represents the possible output from a standard 4-color press and RGB represents the way computer monitors build color, but LAB color is the reference space in Photoshop for very good reasons (that I probably can't explain well or quickly).
Vuescan Output Color Space - Photo.net
2010年7月12日 · <br />1. With output color space set to "Device RGB", the image will look the same as in Vuescan if opened without color managing, by just assigning the monitor profile. It is the only color space setting in Vuescan with which Display color space is ignored, because no conversion is done, only assignment.<br> <br />2.
Color management Adobe RGB vs ProPhoto RGB vs Beta RGB
2005年8月9日 · Adobe RGB is around 100% efficient, which means that every numerical value in the color space has a real color associated with it. Pro Photo is not 100% efficient, so there is, to me anyway, a large percentage of numerical values that …
What RGB Color Space Does the Fuji Frontier 375 Use?
2004年8月12日 · So it would come up with a color balance that is the combination of the software's inclinations, and the operator's judgement (if any is applied). On the other hand, if you tell them not to color correct an Adobe RGB image, the colors will be very muted, because Adobe RGB is a large color space, but they would interpret it as a small one.
Best Color Space for printing - The Digital Darkroom: Process ...
2004年11月10日 · To benefit from the wider color space, shoot in Adobe RGB, and then take your images to a lab that provides Adobe RGB output. Otherwise, I dare say you're wasting your time. As an experiment, capture an image in Adobe RGB, process it as usual, save it, then convert it to sRGB and save it a second time as a separate file.
ProPhoto RGB - The Digital Darkroom: Process, Technique
2010年1月31日 · To counter this, you need a really big RGB working space like ProPhoto RGB again due to the simple size and to fit the round peg in the bigger square hole. Their shapes are simple and predictable. Then there is the issue of very dark colors of intense saturation which do occur in nature and we can capture with many devices.
RGB correspondence to 18% grey - The Digital Darkroom: Process ...
2006年4月23日 · This returned in the Adobe 98 color space (my working space) RGB values of 213, 214, 215. Obviously, if one were to create an 18% grey card with a digital RGB photo on a Frontier or Noritsu, one would go to the lab's (or sometimes the Dry Creek Photo) website and download the profile for that printer.
Nikon Scan 4.02, Super Coolscan 5000, color management …
2006年11月23日 · The monitor profile is rooted in the operating system, solely for use by the display driver. Use a device-independent color space like Adobe RGB (1998), for example. Use Nikonscan with Nikon CMS turned on, and selecting Nikon RGB as the color space of choice. It is a close relative of Adobe RGB.
sRGB vs AdobeRGB - Casual Photo Conversations - Photo.net
2023年2月23日 · When I changed the Color Space in Photoshop to Adobe RGB(1998) things improved quite a bit. Before changing the Color Setting to Adobe RGB, first I had to select "Dont Color manage the Document" under the [Assign Profile] …