Rich kids of HONG KONG 香港 (@richkidsofhongkong) - Instagram
9,481 Followers, 292 Following, 101 Posts - Rich kids of HONG KONG 香港🇭🇰 (@richkidsofhongkong) on Instagram: "Let the money talk Listing the elites of Hong Kong. 🔥 Follow new page @richkidshongkong 🔥"
- 粉丝数目: 9526
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How Instagram's 'Rich Kids of Hong Kong' spend their …
From first class flights and Champagne showers to Porsche collections and luxury hotels, scroll down for a look at how the Rich Kids of Hong Kong spend their fortunes.
How Instagram's 'Rich Kids of Hong Kong' spend their fortunes
2017年6月13日 · The ubiquitous "Rich Kids of..." has spawned TV shows, websites, and books — and new variations on the theme keep popping up. Now you can admire the privileged …
- 创始人: Henry Blodget
- 预计阅读时间:7 分钟
搜羅全球IG炫富文 香港富二代「酒瓶上掛滿名牌手錶」 …
2017年6月16日 · 英國《獨立報》和《太陽報》不久前報導一個名為「Rich Kids of HONG KONG」 (香港的有錢孩子)的Instagram帳戶,平台上分享著大量香 …
- 预计阅读时间:4 分钟
How the Rich Kids of Hong Kong Flaunt Their Money on Instagram …
When rich kids have to escape Hong Kong, you might catch them cruising by the island of Aegina off the coast of Greece. When they fly commercial, it isn’t exactly hard to miss a cart...
- 预计阅读时间:3 分钟
Money doesn’t buy happiness for Hong Kong’s wealthy children
2024年9月17日 · However, it’s not all gloom and doom for Hong Kong’s rich kids. Some families are recognising the pitfalls of extreme wealth and are taking steps to ensure their children …
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Wealthism endures as rich kids play at entrepreneurship in Hong …
2024年10月12日 · As Mario Ho, Adrian Cheng, Anthony Tan, and their peers continue to play at being self-made successes, we must not lose sight of the reality: they are not fighting against …
Rich Kids Official Hong Kong® (@richkidshongkong) - Instagram
2,497 Followers, 408 Following, 74 Posts - Rich Kids Official Hong Kong® (@richkidshongkong) on Instagram: "Instagram influencer | Meet the 1% Where the elites of Hong Kong unite! …
How Instagram's 'Rich Kids of Hong Kong' spend their fortunes
2017年6月13日 · The ubiquitous "Rich Kids of..." has spawned TV shows, websites, and books — and new variations on the theme keep popping up.
Update How Instagram’s ‘Rich Kids of Hong Kong’ spend their …
The ubiquitous “Rich Kids of…” has spawned TV shows, websites, and books — and new variations on the theme keep popping up. Now you can admire the privileged youngsters living …