Roman auxiliary infantry crossing a river, probably the Danube, on a pontoon bridge during the emperor Trajan's Dacian Wars (101–106 AD). They can be distinguished by the oval shield ( …
This article lists auxilia, non-legionary auxiliary regiments of the imperial Roman army, attested in the epigraphic record, by Roman province of deployment during the reign of emperor Hadrian …
There were three kinds of units in the auxilia of the early empire. The cavalry alae, the infantry cohorts and the mixed infantry and horsemen cohortes equitatae. The ala was composed …
2022年3月25日 · What did auxiliaries do in the Roman army? The auxilia were used for locating potential campsites and sources of food and water as well as assessing the terrain. Along with …
2023年1月11日 · The Roman army utilized many esteemed auxiliary units with specialist fighting capabilities. Let’s have a look at five of the most famous.
Auxilia (“support”) were auxiliary forces in the Roman army. During the republics auxilia were constituted by allied armies, and their main task was supporting the Roman legions. The …
2022年3月23日 · Auxiliary troops were made up of able-bodied men who did not have the Roman civil right. These units were usually recruited from the local, non-Roman population of the …