Roman Leaders: The 10 Greatest Generals behind the Empire
2016年1月20日 · Dictator of the Roman Republic Probably the most famous of all the Romans, as a politician Caesar was the first Emperor in all but name. After his conquest of Gaul, which extended Rome’s territory to the English Channel and the Rhine, he became the first Roman General to cross both when he built a bridge across the Rhine and conducted the ...
10 Powerful Women of Ancient Rome | All About History
2017年8月29日 · Julia Mamaea would prove to be the last of the powerful women of the Severan dynasty. When her son Alexander Severus became emperor he was 14 years old. In need of a regent it was his mother who governed Rome. Julia Mamaea had the reputation of being a traditional Roman matron, but her effective leadership pushed her far beyond that role.
Boudica Vs Rome – An Ancient Battle For Britain
2019年5月31日 · The legionaries formed the centre of the army with auxiliary units on each side and cavalry contingents on the wings. The warrior bands of Boudica’s massive host gathered before the Roman legions, brandishing their swords and screaming war cries as Boudica rode along the front lines in a chariot with her daughters.
Who was Boadicea? | All About History
2014年8月7日 · Boadicea, or Boudicca, was a Celtic warrior queen who united several British tribes in revolt against the Roman occupation in 60-61 BC. Famously, she successfully captured and burnt the city of Londonium (modern-day London) to the ground, along with the towns of Verulamium (modern St Albans) and Camulodunum (Colchester).
History’s ultimate warriors | All About History
2013年10月14日 · Roman Heavy Infantry. The strength of the Roman war machine was their highly trained and disciplined infantry. Capable of decimating armies three times their number, the Roman soldier fought in line using his shield and short cutting blade to steam-roller over less disciplined opponents for the glory of Rome. Samurai Warrior
The Hunt For The Real King Arthur | All About History
2019年4月25日 · Lucius Artorius Castus, a Roman soldier of the late-2nd or early-3rd century is a possible Arthur. This career warrior supposedly led troops of Sarmatians against invading Caledonians in ancient Britain, all the while grasping a standard bearing a large red dragon pendant – the inspiration for Arthur’s surname ‘Pendragon.’
What Were The Different Types Of Gladiator? | All About History
2019年8月19日 · 💪Strengths: Agile warrior 😨Weaknesses: Ranged attacks Most likely to win against: Laquerius, Velitus Would struggle against: Murmillo. Did you know? The Thracian’s sica was a smaller version of the falx. It would often be used to swing into an opponent’s unprotected back, which would often end the contest there and then.
Soldiers of the past: Hoplites | All About History
2015年1月29日 · They finally met their match against the tough and regimented legionaries of the Roman Empire. This army was conscripted and invented tactics such as siege engines and skirmishers to outmanoeuvre the phalanx, rendering the hoplite obsolete.
Cnut: Emperor Of The North | All About History
2019年4月16日 · This brought him great political benefits. Perhaps the most significant was his alliance with Conrad II. Denmark and the Holy Roman Empire shared a border – one which had been porous and problematic – but the alliance brought stability, enabling Cnut to concentrate his efforts on his unfinished business in Norway.
Damnatio Memoriae: How the Romans erased the memory of …
2016年10月13日 · The Roman Senate usually proclaimed the condemnation of an emperor, although this was mainly triggered by the new emperor acclaimed to replace him or by an usurper, often supported by the army. Imperial officials, possibly guards, the urban police, and maybe soldiers outside Rome, may have been entitled to perform these actions.