Sith Pureblood - Star Wars: The Old Republic | Game Overview
The Dark Jedi found that Sith society and culture suited their philosophy well. Before long, the elite ruling class of Korriban consisted almost entirely of hybridized offspring of the Dark Jedi and the high priests of the Sith. This hybridization resulted in an ambitious, ruthless race with a natural strength in the Force.
HOLONET - Star Wars: The Old Republic
The Sith race was, in fact, largely unimportant until three thousand years ago, when Dark Jedi exiles arrived on Korriban and subjugated the Sith beneath their rule and their philosophy. As the years passed, the Dark Jedi intermarried with those they ruled, and within generations, the word “Sith” took on new meaning.
Star Wars: The Old Republic | Game Overview
While in Sith-controlled space, the Chiss submit to Imperial authority without question and a handful of Chiss have even integrated themselves into Imperial society. Nonetheless, the Chiss Ascendancy maintains its own forces, separate from the Imperial military, and most members of the species still retain their characteristic private ways ...
The Sith Lords - Star Wars: The Old Republic | Game Overview
The true Sith have spent centuries building their strength in the depths of unknown space. The Sith Emperor patiently planned for the day when his Sith Empire would repay the Jedi for the humiliating defeats of the past. In that time, generations of Sith have come and gone, working hard and devoting their lives to the dream of vengeance.
Sith Inquisitor - Star Wars: The Old Republic | Game Overview
“Shadow Killer.” “Devourer.” Centuries ago, Khem Val was known by many names. In the service of Tulak Hord, one of the greatest Dark Lords of the Sith to ever live, Khem Val killed with pleasure as his master conquered. That was long ago, and now Khem Val’s race, the Dashade, have all but disappeared from the galaxy.
HOLONET - Star Wars: The Old Republic
An unstoppable force of darkness, the Sith Warrior is entrusted with the task of destroying the Empire’s enemies and enforcing Sith domination across the galaxy. The Warrior channels the destructive emotions of fear, anger, and hatred to purge weakness from body and mind and become a being of pure, brutal efficiency.
Star Wars: The Old Republic | Game Overview
Indomitable and proud. Independence, confidence, and fierce determination characterize the Zabrak psyche. Most Zabrak do not consider any challenge impossible, no matter how unfavorable the odds, and look down on the weak who fear defeat.
Sith Warrior - Star Wars: The Old Republic | Game Overview
An unstoppable force of darkness, the Sith Warrior is entrusted with the task of destroying the Empire’s enemies and enforcing Sith domination across the galaxy. The Warrior channels the destructive emotions of fear, anger, and hatred to purge weakness from body and mind and become a being of pure, brutal efficiency.
HOLONET - Star Wars: The Old Republic
Sith Inquisitor Sinister, deceptive, prodigy of Force power. The history of the Sith Empire is fraught with scheming politics and dark secrets—the lifeblood of the Sith Inquisitor. Bounty Hunter Hunter, seeker, killer for hire. Countless enemies stand in the way of the Sith Empire’s drive for domination. Imperial Agent
Game Overview - Star Wars: The Old Republic
Shortly after the Empire returned to Republic space, the young Sith Lord Darth Vich took notice of Rattatak and its people. Eager to make a name for himself, he journeyed to the planet and, casting aside 1000 years of anti-alien tradition, recruited a hundred tribes of Rattataki to populate his own personal army.