Daily twelve new Even/Odd Sudokus with solutions in the pdf format for download and printing. The Even/Odd Sudokus of the last two months are in the archive.
Even/Odd Sudoku is a rather simple Sudoku variant. An Even Sudoku or Odd Sudoku has a certain number of cells with an even or odd number highlighted. The Even/Odd Sudoku on this website has all even numbers highlighted.
A Hyper Sudoku is solved by filling the numbers from 1 to 9 into the blank cells, but it has, unlike classic Sudoku. 13 regions (four regions overlap with the nine standard regions). In all regions, the numbers from 1 to 9 can appear only once.
5 天之前 · Print 16x16 Sudoku. Here you can get new 16x16 Sudokus daily with solutions. Simply download and print the PDF document. You will find 6 16x16 Sudokus and on the last page the solution for the 16x16 Sudokus in this PDF document. The 16x16 Sudokus for the last two months are in the 16x16 Sudoku Archive. 16x16 Sudokus of the 29. Jan. 2025: 16x16 ...
22 小时之前 · Print Samurai Sudoku. Here you can get new Samurai Sudokus daily with solutions. Simply download and print the PDF document. You will find three Samurai Sudokus and on the last page the solution for the Samurai Sudokus in this PDF document. The Samurai Sudokus for the last two months are in the Samurai Sudoku Archive. Samurai Sudokus of the 3.
A 16x16 Sudoku has 16 rows and 16 columns. The resulting 256 cells are also divided into 16 blocks, each with 4x4 cells. The numbers are, on this website, replaced by letters.
A Sudoku Puzzle is solved by filling the numbers from 1 to 9 into the blank squares. You can jump from field to field with the tab key (shift + tab for a jump backwards). If you write a number in a field any old number will be automatically overwritten.