COP26: Here are 7 of the world's greenest buildings and best …
2021年11月2日 · Bamboo is a sustainable, versatile and rapidly replenishing material. The construction of Heart of School helped facilitate Bamboo U, which teaches architects, designers, engineers, environmental advocates and enthusiasts how to build and design with bamboo, promoting the use of the material in architecture in Bali and beyond.
2024: a tipping point for investing in sustainable buildings
2024年1月22日 · The market for sustainable buildings is moving much faster than regulators due to growing tenant demand for spaces that reflect and support their sustainability goals. But regulation is increasing, and it's becoming much tougher – both directly through building performance standards, and indirectly through corporate disclosure mandates.
How termite mounds help architects embrace sustainability
2024年6月3日 · The World Economic Forum's Nature Positive: Guidelines for the Transition in Cities explores how cities can build sustainable and resilient environments. Externally, the towering mounds constructed by termites might not look like engineering wonders, but these complex structures can inspire today’s architects to design more efficient and ...
China's clean, green buildings of the future
2017年6月21日 · For example, Changde, Zhenjiang, Zibo, Wuxi, and Suzhou, Shanghai, Beijing, Shenzhen, and Chongqing will require all new commercial buildings to be green buildings. In the pursuit of even more sustainable buildings, more than 90% of China's commercial building owners plan to have at least one net or near-zero energy building in the next ten years.
3D printing can help make construction carbon-neutral. Here's how
2022年6月22日 · Rather than retrofitting a centuries old technology to be sustainable, it is time to embrace sustainable alternatives and explore other breakthrough material. Traditional construction companies should lead the industry and leverage their market power to promote sustainable materials and processes for everyone’s benefit.
Sustainable mass timber products are key to green building
2021年11月30日 · Mass timber has been around for decades, and a lot of the work to prove its usefulness has been done. Many of the technical barriers have been cleared and fire-safety issues have been worked out, according to Vincent Martinez, President of Architecture 2030, a non-profit think tank created to help reduce the climate impact of the built environment.
This warehouse is one of the most sustainable industrial buildings …
2019年8月19日 · The Netherlands is building a reputation for sustainable architecture. The Edge, Deloitte Netherlands’ location in Amsterdam, has been hailed as the world’s greenest office space, achieving the highest BREEAM score in its category.
Why sustainable timber must become a core building material
2023年1月24日 · It’s working with architecture, engineering and construction company BuildX Studio to create a new regional value chain and market that will literally build demand for sustainable timber in construction and help support reforestation. The CSFEP is engaging relevant stakeholders interested in supporting and investing in a climate-smart forest ...
Architect Francis Kéré: How design can drive social change | World ...
2022年10月6日 · In many ways you were a real forerunner of that, but can you talk a little bit about sustainability, sustainable architecture and what that means to you? At Kéré’s Serpentine Pavilion, a temporary structure located in Kensington Gardens, rainwater funnels into the center of the structure before irrigating the landscape to highlight water ...
Climate tech solutions could make cities more sustainable
2024年12月6日 · Climate tech could hold the key to creating more livable, resilient and sustainable cities. Between 2020 and 2021, climate tech investments soared to $56 billion . However, experts estimate that global spending on the transition, including areas such as retrofitting buildings, could reach $275 trillion between 2021 and 2050 .