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    Abyssal zone - Wikipedia

    • The abyssal zone or abyssopelagic zone is a layer of the pelagic zone of the ocean. The word abyss comes from the Greek word ἄβυσσος (ábussos), meaning "bottomless". At depths of 4,000–6,000 m (13,000–20,000 ft), this zone remains in perpetual darkness. It covers 83% of the total area of the ocean and 60% of Earth's surface. The abyssal zone has temper… 展开


    The deep trenches or fissures that plunge down thousands of meters below the ocean floor (for example, the mid-oceanic t… 展开


    The relative sparsity of primary producers means that the majority of organisms living in the abyssal zone depend on the marine snow that falls from oceanic layers above. The biomass of the abyssal zone actually increases near t… 展开

    Biological adaptations

    Organisms that live at this depth have had to evolve to overcome challenges provided by the abyssal zone. Fish and invertebrates had to evolve to withstand the sheer cold and intense pressure found at this level. Not only did the… 展开


    The abyssal zone is made up of many different types of organisms, including microorganisms, crustaceans, molluscs (bivalves, snails, and cephalopods), different classes of fishes, and possibly some animals th… 展开

    Environmental concerns

    Climate change has had negative effects on the abyssal zone. Due to the zone's depth, increasing global temperatures do not affect it as quickly or drastically as the rest of the world, but the zone is still afflicted by ocean acidification. … 展开