Undirected graph definition - Math Insight
An undirected graph is sometimes called an undirected network. In contrast, a graph where the edges point in a direction is called a directed graph. When drawing an undirected graph, the edges are typically drawn as lines between pairs of nodes, as illustrated in the following figure. An undirected graph with 10 and 11 edges.
Finding the max flow of an undirected graph with Ford-Fulkerson
Given the following undirected graph, how would I find the max-flow/min-cut? Now, I know that in order to solve this, I need to redraw the graph so that it is directed as shown below. However, after this, I'm stuck. I chose the olive-colored path from a -> z to begin the algorithm.
Acyclic Undirected Graph - Mathematics Stack Exchange
2015年4月29日 · HINT: Trees are simply the connected acyclic undirected graphs. Thus, every component of an acyclic undirected graph is a tree. (Indeed, another name for acyclic undirected graphs is forest.) Now use what you know about trees to prove a formula relating the number of vertices of a forest to the number of edges and the number of components (trees).
Closure of an Undirected Graph - Mathematics Stack Exchange
2018年8月28日 · I am not concerned about using this definition in particular, just a definition that someone knows works for undirected graphs. I think for the graph on the left to add the following edges: $\lbrace v_1, v_2\rbrace$, $\lbrace v_1, v_4\rbrace$ just so all the vertices have endpoints between them, but I am not sure. $\endgroup$ –
What is the definition of the density of a graph?
For undirected simple graphs, the graph density is defined as D=2|E|/|V|(|V|−1). While for directed ...
Diameter of undirected graph - Mathematics Stack Exchange
Prove that the edges of a connected undirected graph G.... 0 Bounds on the size of the arc set of a directed graph which is connected but not strongly connected
Proof that the sum of all degrees is equal to twice the number of …
2017年8月17日 · $\begingroup$ Consider the set P of all pairs (v,e) with v a vertex and an edge such that e touches v. There is a surjective function f: P -> E to the edge of sets mapping each pair (v,e) to e, and the preimage of each element of E by f consists of two points: this means that P has twice as many elements as E.
Longest path in undirected graph - Mathematics Stack Exchange
2015年11月17日 · If there are no cycles in your graph, you can put -1 weights on each edge and search for the shortest path with the Bellman-Ford algorithm. If there are cycles, your problem is NP-hard indeed, and you need to proceed differently, with integer programming for example.
connectedness - Can an undirected graph be disconnected?
2018年12月4日 · Undirected just mean The edges does not have direction. connected means that there is a path from any vertex of the graph to any other vertex in the graph. so take any disconnected graph whose edges are not directed to give an example. following is one:
Treat Directed Graph as Undirected Graph? - Mathematics Stack …
2017年5月14日 · However, it also looks like a undirected graph since the connections between every two nodes are bidirectional (but with different weights). Actually I think those theorems or properties that apply to undirected graph CANNOT apply …