What is the order from largest to smallest: galaxy, universe, star ...
2017年5月19日 · From largest to smallest they are: Universe, galaxy, solar system, star, planet, moon and asteroid. Let's describe them from smallest to largest. In fact the size order is not exact as there are exceptions. An asteroid is a rocky body which lies in the asteroid belt between Mars and Jupiter. They are typically quite small object. The largest asteroid Ceres has been …
What is the relationship between the solar system, galaxy, and …
2016年8月14日 · The Solar system is a planetary system which occurs in the Milky way galaxy (along one of it's spiral arms), which is part of the Universe itself (that includes all galaxies, clusters of galaxies etc.).
How does our galaxy and solar system relate to the universe?
2016年2月20日 · Solar system is just one star system among many in our galaxy Milky Way and our galaxy is one among many in our observable universe. Star systems are constituents of a galaxy and galaxies are constituents of our observable universe. Universe as the universe awaits an affirmative consensus-definition.
What order do these go in: solar system, galaxy, universe ... - Socratic
2015年12月17日 · In order of increasing size we have solar system, galaxy and universe. A solar system is a sun with zero or more planets orbiting it. A galaxy is a collection of solar systems orbiting around the galactic centre. The universe is all of the galaxies.
Scale of Earth, Sun, Galaxy, and Universe - Astronomy - Socratic
What is Earth's maximum velocity away from the centre of the universe, when our orbit around the sun, the sun's orbit around the galaxy and the movement of the galaxy itself are all in alignment? My estimate for the distance of the farthest Sun-size star that could be focused as a single-whole-star, by a 0.001''-precision telescope, is 30.53 ...
How many solar systems are there in the universe? How many
2017年10月11日 · A low guess for the extrapolated universe is 10 to the 24th power solar systems with planets, or 1,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000, or a trillion trillion. Assuming our solar system is typical, multiply this by eight or nine for the total number of planets.
Write it in order from smallest to biggest: star, planet, asteroid ...
2018年3月19日 · From smallest to largest they are: Asteroid, planet, star, solar system, galaxy, and the universe.
What is the closest Galaxy to the Solar System? - Socratic
2015年12月23日 · The closest spiral galaxy is Andromeda while the closest dwarf is Canis Major. The Andromeda Galaxy sits about 2.53 million light years away. It is a large spiral galaxy similar to the Milky Way Galaxy. A picture of Andromeda is below. The closest galaxy of any is a dwarf galaxy named Canis Major which is pictured below. It is about 42,000 light years away. The …
How big is the galaxy compared to the Solar System? | Socratic
2016年2月1日 · The milky is about 100,000 light years across. Maximum size of solar system is less than one light year including oort's cloud. There are about 200 billion stars in milky way. Sun is an average star.
How many solar systems are there in the universe? | Socratic
2016年3月10日 · In terms of the number of solar systems present in the universe, there are something like 300 billion stars in the Milky Way, so if 10 per cent of them have planets there are around 30 billion planets in our galaxy alone, and there are over 100 billion galaxies in the observable Universe for a total of something in the order of 10^21 (that's 1 ...