Zinc: strong aromatase inhibitor - MUST READ!! - EliteFitness
2003年1月10日 · Zinc inhibits the levels of aromatase in the body. If zinc levels are inadequate, the levels of aromatase rise. Zinc is also necessary for normal pituitary functions. Without zinc, the pituitary gland cannot release the luteinizing and follicle stimulating hormones that stimulate the testes to produce testosterone.
Megadosing With Zinc | EliteFitness.com Bodybuilding Forums
2001年10月31日 · Zinc inhibits copper absorption, which can lead to anemia and lower levels of HDL “good” cholesterol. Copper intake should be increased if zinc supplementation continues for more than a few days.But alot of zinc supplements now include copper in the formulation to prevent zinc-induced copper deficiency.
Megadosing With Zinc | Page 2 - EliteFitness
2001年10月31日 · Zinc helps fight off the infection that occurs in a zit. Zinc helps with acne. Nothing huge though. Try 5g of Vitamin B6 a day, and if need be after 2 weeks, work up to 10g a day. In a month or so, you'll have almost no zits.
Reccomended supplements while on DNP - EliteFitness
2001年8月8日 · 50MG of Zinc 1 tab each of both Iron and Potassium Gluconate- may want to take 2 PG tabs ¨ 3G of Taurine 15G of Glutamine 3 Tablespoons of Glycerol in 3 divided doses at least 2 gallons of water Melatonin (only if you're having trouble sleeping)
Zinc Aspartate to Raise Your Testosterone Levels
[sc:masthead-std] [sc:salutation-std] Zinc Aspartate A great many hard-training athletes and bodybuilders are actually deficient in the essential mineral Zinc Aspartate. Furthermore, Zinc deficiency is prevalent throughout the entire world, including the United States of America. Both severe and moderate zinc deficiencies are positively correlated with lower testosterone levels …
What legal suppliments can I take to increase my running …
2002年5月13日 · Zinc-Magnessium-calcium TAb. Injectable B12 3000mcg weekly in 2 to 3 devided dosages. Creatine 10-20 grams daily. A good Whey protein supplement for recuperation. Whey has been showan to increase endurance and recovery at dramatic rates. Try adding whey protein to crystal lite. Helps to eliminate the bloat.
HCGenerate is strong enough for use in Post-Cycle Therapy.
2017年10月1日 · Zinc is an essential trace mineral that’s needed for proper testosterone production and fertility. Zinc increases sperm count and the mobility of your sperm cells. Zinc is particularly important for men, as it decreases the levels of aromatase enzyme, which prevents testosterone from aromatizing into estrogen.
Tribulus Terrestris Raises Your Testosterone & Enhances Potency
eat plenty of fish throughout the week you are going to try this out. oysters are good too. zinc supplements and a vitamin as well... take a few caps of tribulus. then take roughly 50-100mg of viagra.
How much Zinc do you guys take daily to make bigger loads!!
2002年10月28日 · Sorry! Zinc doesnt work.....This is what I just read: Does Zinc help the prostate? There is a high zinc level in prostate tissues. There is evidence that zinc levels in prostate tissue and secretions is altered by certain diseases. However, oral intake of zinc does not increase zinc levels in prostatic fluid.
Oysters and raising testosterone levels naturally
2009年7月31日 · I'm pretty interested in this too. It will probably raise T levels, just as if you took some extra zinc. Other foods that will raise T levels: Egg Spinach Milk Bottom line is to have more carbs than protein in your diet + around 30 % fat. Anyway, I got the results from my doc today and I had 24.2 NMOL/L (20 years old).