Standard Zener Diode Values - Peter Vis
The standard Zener diode values for the commonly available BZXC family of diodes is shown below in the table. They usually engineer the reverse conduction voltage to occur at popular values. The table below shows a typical range of reverse conduction voltages Vz and their associated reverse currents Iz.
Zener Diodes - Technical Data and Comparison Tables - Futurlec
Zener Diodes Technical Data and Comparison Tables with Datasheet Links ... 1 Watt Zener Diodes Specifications. Type Package Zener Voltage Vz (V) Max Regulator Current Izt (mA) Max Reverse Leakage Current Ir@Vr (µA) Dynamic Resistance (Ω) Ptot (W) Appl Datasheet; 1N4728:
Zener Diodes LINKS TO ADDITIONAL RESOURCES FEATURES • Silicon planar power Zener diodes • For use in stabilizing and clipping circuits with high power rating • Standard Zener voltage tolerance is ± 5 % • Material categorization: for definitions of compliance please see www.vishay.com/doc?99912 APPLICATIONS • Voltage stabilization
Understanding Zener diode datasheet - Electrical Engineering …
Zener diodes are often used in protection circuits, such as a crowbar circuit for a power supply rail using a resistor, SCR and Zener diode. The Zener used has a higher breakdown voltage than the normal supply rail voltage.
Zener Diode as Voltage Regulator Tutorial - Basic Electronics Tutorials ...
2024年12月12日 · The 500mW series of zener diodes are available from about 2.4 up to about 100 volts and typically have the same sequence of values as used for the 5% (E24) resistor series with the individual voltage ratings for these small but very useful diodes are given in the table below. Zener Diode Standard Zener Voltages
Table 8 and Table 9 list several very important parameters of the Zener diodes. The first column is the name extension, followed by a column for the accuracy ranges provided per diode.
AnaLog Services Zener Diode List - logwell.com
2010年10月20日 · Here is a handy zener diode list if you work with these critters. This list is far from complete, but these are some common numbers we encounter. |
Zener Diode Basics (A Beginner’s Guide) - Build Electronic Circuits
2023年4月25日 · What Is a Zener Diode? A Zener diode is a type of diode that is often used for voltage regulators and shaping waveforms. Its symbol is an arrow pointing towards a crooked line. There are actually three different ways you can draw the Zener diode symbol in schematics:
zener Voltage range V Z (V) zener Voltage Tolerances 5 % 2 % sod-523 sod-323 do-219AC (MicrosMF) sod-123 Characteristics surface-Mount 200 2.4 to 51 C BZX584C* 200 2.4 to 75 C B BZX384* BZX384*-G 200 2.02 to 36.87 GDZ* GDZ*-G 300 2.7 to 51 C B 300 2.4 to 75 C B 300 2.7 to 51 C B 300 3.0 to 75 B C 350 2.4 to 6.2 Std 350 2.4 to 43 Std
Zener Diode Table Reference | PDF | Power Electronics - Scribd
This document is a reference table listing common Zener diodes across a range of voltages from 2.4V to 200V. For each voltage level, the table provides part numbers for 0.4W, 0.5W, 1W, and 5W Zener diodes. Over 100 individual Zener diode part numbers are referenced in the table.