The Inferno of Dante Alighieri
Dante's Inferno in a new, triple-rhymed translation, freshly illustrated, English and Italian, footnotes, summaries, diagrams.
Essay - infernodante.com
Triple–Rhyming in the Inferno Is it worth the torture? by Seth Zimmerman return to menu Dante's Comedy is propelled forward along three vectors: the action, the rhythm and the rhyme. The first is largely given, and the demand on the translator is to research its meaning and deliver it clearly.
HELL XXXIV - infernodante.com
The description of Cassius as "large–limbed" may indicate that Dante has confused him with another Cassius mentioned by Cicero. ^ 76–93. Virgil and Dante climb halfway down Lucifer's body and then, because they have reached the earth's exact center, turn upside down to …
HELL XXXII - infernodante.com
1 If I had crude and grating rhymes to fit That dismal hole upon whose foundation * All the other rocky circles converge and sit, inferno xxxii 4 I would press out the juice of my conception More fully; but since this is not the case, I begin speaking now with some trepidation; 7 For to describe the absolutely lowest place In the universe is ...
HELL XXXIII - infernodante.com
inferno xxxiii 85 For even if Count Ugolino had a reputation * For betraying your castles, you'd no right to torment His sons and bring about their destruction. 88 Their youth (O new Thebes!) made them innocent, * All four—Uguccione, Brigata, and that other pair Already shown in …
HELL XXV - infernodante.com
Perhaps an attempt by Dante to temper his earlier boastfulness. 151. Francesco de' Cavalcanti, known as Guercio, was murdered by the people of Gaville, a town in the valley of the Arno.
HELL XI - infernodante.com
Dante's sources confused Pope Anastasius II (469–498) with the Emperor Anastasius (491–518). It was the emperor who was influenced by Photinus to adopt the Acacian heresy, which denied the divine birth of Christ.
HELL X - infernodante.com
Head of the respected Uberti family of Florence, he was leader of the Ghibellines from 1239 until his death in 1264, one year before Dante's birth. 46–51. Dante's family were Guelphs, overthrown by the Ghibellines in 1248 and1260, regaining power in 1251 and 1266.
HELL XVII - infernodante.com
inferno xvii 58 And as I looked about the group my attention Fell upon a yellow purse with a blue figure Whose face and bearing were that of a lion. * 61 Then glancing on, I saw another creature, A goose whiter than butter, set * Upon a blood–red purse.
About the Illustrator
The illustrations seen here are photographs of parts of a large 14-foot-wide installation called "A Guided Tour of Dante's Inferno", which was supported in part by a grant from the Vermont Arts Council. Other installations by the artist include "Jungian Journey: A Mother-Daughter Collaboration", which mounted Van Fleet's "speaking portraits ...