How to get IMDb IDs of all films in a list page on Wikipedia?
2022年1月19日 · I want to get the IMDb ID of all films in a list page on Wikipedia, for example: https://en.wikipedia.org ...
How to get IMDb ID for some film article from the Russian …
2017年1月24日 · You can get all Wikidata film items that have IMDb ID and link to ruwiki by Wikidata Query Service:. SELECT ?item ?IMDb_ID ?sitelink WHERE { ?item wdt:P31 wd:Q11424 .
Does IMDb provide an api or a data dump to get all title IDs?
2015年3月2日 · The flat files available for download are a legacy from IMDB's pre-Amazon days, and the information there is incomplete. (You could not build your own IMDB with just the files that are available) However, Rotten Tomatoes does have a nice web interface that returns, among other things, the imdb id of the films - in the alternate_ids section.
Given an IMDB movie id, how do I programmatically get its poster …
2008年9月30日 · Here is my program to generate human readable html summary page for movie companies found on imdb page. Change the initial url to your liking and it generates a html file where you can see title, summary, score and thumbnail. npm install -g phantomjs Here is the script, save it to imdb.js
How to get IMDb links of all films in a category page on Wikipedia?
2022年1月12日 · I want to get the IMDb links of all films in a category page on Wikipedia, for example: https://en ...
How to get Wikidata ID for an Wikipedia article by API?
2016年5月4日 · If you mean "en" for English Wikipedia, all you need to do is change the "enwiki" part to some other wiki language, for example "dewiki" for German Wikipedia – Addshore Commented Oct 26, 2020 at 10:58
How does one query IMDB database for retrieving data for analysis?
For example, I want to find the list of actors/actresses that have collaborated with Nicholas Cage the most. DBPEDIA has a extracted data from Wikipedia and put it into a semantic format, what about IMDB? Is there a similar service for such data analysis tasks? I …
Get VIAF identifier from a Wikidata Item - Stack Overflow
You cannot get the VIAF identifier from an item that does not have P214. So the query will work for all items that you are interested in getting results from, it does not need to be verified before querying for the value.
Max retries exceeded with URL in requests - Stack Overflow
This happens when you send too many requests to the public IP address of https://itunes.apple.com.It as you can see caused due to some reason which does not allow/block access to the public IP address mapping with https://itunes.apple.com.
What type of ID does YouTube use for their videos?
2014年9月16日 · I use this in a dynamic YouTube SWFObject loader implementation and it works fine. I've observed both - and _ in YouTube IDs, but never any other non-alpha-numeric character. More Base64 info can be found on Wikipedia: URL applications of Base64. Best of luck!